Webcam - image processing - OpenCV

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Webcam - image processing - OpenCV


I'm fairly new to SmallTalk and so impressed with the programming style as it helps me visually understand how the classes are interrelated etc.

I would love to use SmallTalk (Squeak or Pharo) for some image processing. I can create my own processing methods and kernels but have had problems accessing the images from a  webcam. I have stumbled at this most basic step.   Can anyone help me (I am new to SmallTalk) to access a webcam on a mac please?

I have read various intros into SmallTalk (Squeak and Pharo) but doing something really useful like basic image processing is still a hurdle for me in SmallTalk.

Alternatively I can use C++ (and OpenCV) to access and process images and use smalltalk to build a GUI but that would defeat the purpose of me trying to use SmallTalk to begin with.

I appreciate your help.