What are you using to write reports?

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Re: What are you using to write reports?

Schwab,Wilhelm K

If you find ways to reliably interact with M$ software, let us know.  Similarly, feel free to ask for help here as you work on the (no doubt many) problems that might arise along the way.  I do everything I can reasonably do to get M$ out of my life, but as I have freely admitted, there are times when their products can be either wanted by a paying customer or simply a quick means to finish a throw-away project.


From: [hidden email] [[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Friedrich Dominicus [[hidden email]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 1:46 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] What are you using to write reports?

"Schwab,Wilhelm K" <[hidden email]> writes:

> No argument that MS wants to kill COM in favor of .NET, and once they
> do that, they will churn the market again as soon as they can manage
> it - it's what they do.
Well yes, I'm afraid you're right about it.

> They've been sufficiently ineffective at it
> that the result is hardly "writing software over and over" but it is
> very annoying to watch working things break over time.
Well that *is* the biggest problem for "independent" software developers
not owning either MS ;-(, Java, or whatever.

>  These
> annoyances combined with the general merit of Linux distributions of
> late led me to make the switch.  In short, you are preaching to the
> choir :)
I'm using Linux since the Floppy days. But my customers won't they will
probably stick to MS well for the next forseeable or not so forseeable
> Let's be honest a third time :)  Word is trash.
Well agreed, it may have get better since Word 6.0 but that was an
accident waiting to be happen. I remember having written chapter of my
degrees one by one and just throw it together at the end. I was not
allowed to use LaTeX to that time... Well now I have the choice, but
I've to get my customers with me....

>  Open Office Calc is really pretty good.  Since you (wisely) distrust
>  Microsoft, I find it strange that you are content to throw around the
>  "Office is standard" mantra.
Sorry, none of my customers uses anything but MS Office. So it's
"standard" for them.

> True or not, there are alternatives (in the case of LaTeX, a paradigm
> shift from fussing with formatting to thinking about structure) and
> ways to have data in simple formats that will still be around long
> after Microsoft starts to kill off .NET's successor.
Well guess what my first idea was. Using some Smalltalk and using LaTeX
for the diverse invoices etc. Maybe this was not so unsound....

>  You can set
> yourself up for more pain, or design for the minimum amount of
> Microsoft involvement that will solve your problems.  There are some
> good options in this thread, or you can polish up your .NET compiler,
> while it still has time ;)
Thanks for such kind of encouragement ;-(


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