What is proper fix for this? (was: Re: Big Glorp problem w/ type coercion, pls help)

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Re: What is proper fix for this?


back when Alan was maintaining Glorp, he took care for portability, he
even maintained the port to VA Smalltalk, IIRC. Niall and Tim(?) at
Cincom also try not to break any dialect in their changes and they also
work on keeping things portable. I am not sure there ever was any
(semi-)automated process to keep ports in sync, my guess would be that
that is not the case.

What I am very sure of is that the ppl at Cincom would welcome any
volunteers to support them in keeping things portable and improve the
ecosystem for this.
Is any of you going to be at ESUG?


Am 17.08.17 um 10:53 schrieb Herby Vojčík:

> Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
>>> On 17 Aug 2017, at 10:35, Guillermo Polito <[hidden email]
>>> <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>> Just a thought out of thin air: wasn't filetree supposed to provide
>>> common ground for this kind of scenarios? If we shared a single
>>> repository in github that would save us a lot of discussion :P
>> it doesn’t :)
>> while exporting VM-Glorp to github will simplify a lot the process,
>> truth is dialects are so different they cannot talk each other in
>> general, and changes needs to be applied (by hand).
> I know it sounds like pipe dream, but I had the impression
> non-dialect-specific parts of Glorp (that is, most of it) is (was?)
> deliberately written in subset of Smalltalk (not ifNotNil: but isNil
> ifFalse: etc.) that it aimed to actually _be_ portable.
> That part at least (and the high-level part with descriptors,
> mappings, queries, glorpexpressions etc. is such) would be nice to
> actually be generic enough to be "any Smalltalk out there".
> Herby
>> but… having a github mirror to be able to diff properly is a good thing.
>> Esteban

Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel          mailto:[hidden email]
Fliederweg 1                         http://www.objektfabrik.de
D-71640 Ludwigsburg                  http://joachimtuchel.wordpress.com
Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0         Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1

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Re: What is proper fix for this?


> On 17 Aug 2017, at 11:28, [hidden email] wrote:
> Herby,
> back when Alan was maintaining Glorp, he took care for portability, he even maintained the port to VA Smalltalk, IIRC. Niall and Tim(?) at Cincom also try not to break any dialect in their changes and they also work on keeping things portable. I am not sure there ever was any (semi-)automated process to keep ports in sync, my guess would be that that is not the case.
> What I am very sure of is that the ppl at Cincom would welcome any volunteers to support them in keeping things portable and improve the ecosystem for this.
> Is any of you going to be at ESUG?

I will, but I will not maintain Glorp port… I have just too much work :)


> Joachim
> Am 17.08.17 um 10:53 schrieb Herby Vojčík:
>> Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
>>>> On 17 Aug 2017, at 10:35, Guillermo Polito <[hidden email]
>>>> <mailto:[hidden email]>> wrote:
>>>> Just a thought out of thin air: wasn't filetree supposed to provide
>>>> common ground for this kind of scenarios? If we shared a single
>>>> repository in github that would save us a lot of discussion :P
>>> it doesn’t :)
>>> while exporting VM-Glorp to github will simplify a lot the process,
>>> truth is dialects are so different they cannot talk each other in
>>> general, and changes needs to be applied (by hand).
>> I know it sounds like pipe dream, but I had the impression non-dialect-specific parts of Glorp (that is, most of it) is (was?) deliberately written in subset of Smalltalk (not ifNotNil: but isNil ifFalse: etc.) that it aimed to actually _be_ portable.
>> That part at least (and the high-level part with descriptors, mappings, queries, glorpexpressions etc. is such) would be nice to actually be generic enough to be "any Smalltalk out there".
>> Herby
>>> but… having a github mirror to be able to diff properly is a good thing.
>>> Esteban
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel          mailto:[hidden email]
> Fliederweg 1                         http://www.objektfabrik.de
> D-71640 Ludwigsburg                  http://joachimtuchel.wordpress.com
> Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0         Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1

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Re: What is proper fix for this?

Am 17.08.17 um 11:31 schrieb Esteban Lorenzano:
>> On 17 Aug 2017, at 11:28, [hidden email] wrote:
>> Herby,
>> back when Alan was maintaining Glorp, he took care for portability, he even maintained the port to VA Smalltalk, IIRC. Niall and Tim(?) at Cincom also try not to break any dialect in their changes and they also work on keeping things portable. I am not sure there ever was any (semi-)automated process to keep ports in sync, my guess would be that that is not the case.
>> What I am very sure of is that the ppl at Cincom would welcome any volunteers to support them in keeping things portable and improve the ecosystem for this.
>> Is any of you going to be at ESUG?
> I will, but I will not maintain Glorp port… I have just too much work :)
Same for me. I am not a regular Pharo user, so I cannot do it.



Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel          mailto:[hidden email]
Fliederweg 1                         http://www.objektfabrik.de
D-71640 Ludwigsburg                  http://joachimtuchel.wordpress.com
Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0         Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1

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Re: What is proper fix for this?


> On 17 Aug 2017, at 11:34, [hidden email] wrote:
> Am 17.08.17 um 11:31 schrieb Esteban Lorenzano:
>>> On 17 Aug 2017, at 11:28, [hidden email] wrote:
>>> Herby,
>>> back when Alan was maintaining Glorp, he took care for portability, he even maintained the port to VA Smalltalk, IIRC. Niall and Tim(?) at Cincom also try not to break any dialect in their changes and they also work on keeping things portable. I am not sure there ever was any (semi-)automated process to keep ports in sync, my guess would be that that is not the case.
>>> What I am very sure of is that the ppl at Cincom would welcome any volunteers to support them in keeping things portable and improve the ecosystem for this.
>>> Is any of you going to be at ESUG?
>> I will, but I will not maintain Glorp port… I have just too much work :)
> Same for me. I am not a regular Pharo user, so I cannot do it.

yeah… too bad :(
“unofficial maintainer” of Glorp port is Esteban Maringolo. But since he has to make a living (and right now he is working on VW, not Pharo), he cannot do it but lightly.
Other maintainers should be the people using it, so the addition of Herby is welcome (Esteban M. will check at when he has time… but at least now is available for other people to check).

I myself keep track of my own beast: Voyage… but thankfully I can just check time to time since we have a small but active community around it. Ideal situation for Glorp would be having the same.


> Joachim
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel          mailto:[hidden email]
> Fliederweg 1                         http://www.objektfabrik.de
> D-71640 Ludwigsburg                  http://joachimtuchel.wordpress.com
> Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0         Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1

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Re: What is proper fix for this?

Esteban A. Maringolo
2017-08-17 6:51 GMT-03:00 Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]>:

> > On 17 Aug 2017, at 11:34, [hidden email] wrote:
> > Am 17.08.17 um 11:31 schrieb Esteban Lorenzano:
> >>> On 17 Aug 2017, at 11:28, [hidden email] wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Herby,
> >>>
> >>> back when Alan was maintaining Glorp, he took care for portability, he even maintained the port to VA Smalltalk, IIRC. Niall and Tim(?) at Cincom also try not to break any dialect in their changes and they also work on keeping things portable. I am not sure there ever was any (semi-)automated process to keep ports in sync, my guess would be that that is not the case.
> >>>
> >>> What I am very sure of is that the ppl at Cincom would welcome any volunteers to support them in keeping things portable and improve the ecosystem for this.
> >>> Is any of you going to be at ESUG?
> >> I will, but I will not maintain Glorp port… I have just too much work :)
> > Same for me. I am not a regular Pharo user, so I cannot do it.
> yeah… too bad :(
> “unofficial maintainer” of Glorp port is Esteban Maringolo. But since he has to make a living (and right now he is working on VW, not Pharo), he cannot do it but lightly.
> Other maintainers should be the people using it, so the addition of Herby is welcome (Esteban M. will check at when he has time… but at least now is available for other people to check).

Glorp was built with portability in mind, but it's too "old school",
the packaging itself is a nightmare. And most of the design, and
"portable" parts are designed around VW database layers. The code
sharing is a thing in its own, I had to "adapt" a Monticello exporter
in VW to get better package names instead of a single "Glorp" package.

FileTree is stilll not available in Cincom, Martin McLure said they're
working in a new Cypress spec that'd work in VW as well, I look
forward to see that, because I'd need it to move code back/forth Pharo
and VW.

Last year I did a port to Pharo from the latest availalable version in
Cincom and tried to keep both in sync, but the feedback loops are
quite different in Pharo than Cincom, skillsets are also different
(I'm still struggling with Store), and even with some support, Cincom
doesn't have portability as a main objective, Glorp today is a means
to and end, and that end is their SCM, Store. So modifying a core tool
just to be more portable is not a priority for them.

Also the way Glorp is made portable is very differently from how
Seaside is done, Glorp has a lot of #isVW, #isSqueak, #isPharo, etc...
which I removed from the latest port.
The last time I did not dare to "hard-fork" the whole project and
refactor it, maybe the next time.

> I myself keep track of my own beast: Voyage… but thankfully I can just check time to time since we have a small but active community around it. Ideal situation for Glorp would be having the same.

I'm a "happy"[1] user of ORMs, and used them in Smalltalk for over a
decade (in Pharo for a couple of years), unfortunately for Glorp, I've
been coding for GemStone based projects and now also Glorp but in VW,
with SQLite for a minimal part of the application.

So, bottom line,  it takes me some time to catch-up and get into ORM
"mode", since it's something I'm not doing every day.

Best regards!

Esteban A. Maringolo

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Re: What is proper fix for this?

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2
In reply to this post by Herby Vojčík

On 17/08/17 03:49, Herby Vojčík wrote:

> Guillermo Polito wrote:
>> Just a thought out of thin air: wasn't filetree supposed to provide
>> common ground for this kind of scenarios? If we shared a single
>> repository in github that would save us a lot of discussion :P
> I'd prefer on-premise git.smalltalkhub.com, but it's just me. :-(

Is not just you. I try also to maintain my own critical infrastructure,
like DVCS using Fossil, and I'm a huge promoter/believer in community
own infrastructure. Would be really nice to have git.smalltalkhub.com
using Gogs ( https://gogs.io/ ). The issue is that we're a small
community with small resources to have our own infrastructure.... :-/.

