What is the status of 6.03 ?

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What is the status of 6.03 ?

Joseph Frippiat-2
OA has announced several times the release of Dolphin Smalltalk 6.03 for
"the next week".  As it is not yet available, what is its status ?



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Re: What is the status of 6.03 ?

Andy Bower

> OA has announced several times the release of Dolphin Smalltalk 6.03
> for "the next week".  As it is not yet available, what is its status ?

6.03 has now become 6.1. We decided to add a few enhancements in
addition to the bug fixes we'd already attempted and we then thought
these warranted a more significant bump of the version number.

We haven't set a release date but, given the number of changes, we'll
probably have a short beta phase first. I don't think this will be too
far away.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

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Re: What is the status of 6.03 ?

Travis Kay-2
Thank you for the update Andy.


Andy Bower wrote:

> Joseph,
> > OA has announced several times the release of Dolphin Smalltalk 6.03
> > for "the next week".  As it is not yet available, what is its status ?
> 6.03 has now become 6.1. We decided to add a few enhancements in
> addition to the bug fixes we'd already attempted and we then thought
> these warranted a more significant bump of the version number.
> We haven't set a release date but, given the number of changes, we'll
> probably have a short beta phase first. I don't think this will be too
> far away.
> --
> Best regards,
> Andy Bower
> Dolphin Support
> www.object-arts.com