> Hi all!
> What kind of Apllications have been made with Dolphin?
I've done a range of networking, serial communications, data
acquisition, medical user interfaces, database interfacing, web
interfaces, number crunching, etc.
> Somebody used Dolphin in BIG projects ( hundres classes , team work ) ?
Only hundreds??? ;) I will pass on the team question because it does
not arise often, and I handle it somewhat unusually, in large part
because I fear turning students loose on my code.
> What techology can be used for remote-communication with application written
> in Dolphin?
I much prefer sockets to DCOM. IMHO, the control one gains over
threading, timeouts, error handling, etc., and the registration hassles
that one avoids in the process more than compensate for the need to
create protocols.
Speaking of protocols, if we ever get an IIOP implementation for
Dolphin, then it would be worthy of consideration. CORBA is a strange
beast, but if you stay away from the flashy stuff, it can be a nice way
to go. ILU appears to have stalled out years ago (would greatly enjoy
being corrected on that point), but probably has some value as a source
of information:
Have a good one,
Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]