The new docs are in the pipeline. In the meantime you can get a semblance of
documentation and help by using the old Dolphin 4 download with D5.
Go to the Dolphn 4 download library or use the following link: opened this will prompt for the directory where Dolphin is installed.
Initially this will indicate a Dolphin 4 path so you should change it to the
location where Dolphin 5 is installed (usually C:\Program Files\Object
Arts\Dolphin Smalltalk 5.0). Once installed, start Dolphin and evaluate the
following in any workspace:
(RegKey localMachineRoot)
at: (SessionManager current productRegistryKey , '\EducationCentre')
put: (SessionManager current
You should now be able to use the various Help menu items and F1 in the
various tools. Please note, though, that because this is the Dolphin 4 help
file, the screen shots will not be representative and there may well be
pages missing (like the help for Flipper for example). You should find that
it is better than nothing though.
Best Regards,
Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?