What to do with "Recompiling ..." messages when used with a script..

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What to do with "Recompiling ..." messages when used with a script..

Rick Flower-2

Paolo et-al,

I'd like to suggest that the messages shown below
(for example) be emitted via the stderr output channel on Unix if
possible.. I'm using gst in scripts and don't want to have to write code
to toss out the Recompiling messages as part of the script if I can help
it.. I realize that they're present to aid in debugging/troubleshooting
but without any way to keep them quiet it makes my scripts difficult to
understand to those that don't know about or care about what the script
is written in (e.g. GST, Perl, Python, etc).. Another option would be to
add a command line option to quiet them up or hook them to an existing
flag that is present perhaps..

Are there any others that might find
this sort of change beneficial? I realize I could go in and modify the
kernel to not emit the messages but that seems a little extreme..

Anyway, just thought I'd ask..

P.S. If I rebuild the kernel would
these messages go away or are these always present when loading packages
that are not normally part of the kernel..?

As for examples, this is
what my script looks like when it runs and outputs one line consisting
of 'foo!' after loading the #XML package :

[1620]> ~/scripts/foo.st
Recompiling classes...
Recompiling class:
Recompiling selector: #key
Recompiling selector:
Recompiling selector: #value:
Recompiling selector:
Recompiling selector: #printCanonicalOn:
Recompiling selector:
Recompiling selector: #isAttribute
selector: #isLike:
Recompiling selector: #tag:
Recompiling selector:
Recompiling selector: #expandedName
Recompiling selector:
Recompiling selector: #name:value:
Recompiling class:
XML.Attribute class
Recompiling selector: #name:value:

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