> what is the correct type to return from an event handler method like
> View>onLeftButtonPressed?
> Mostly I found false or true to be returned, but I found also e.g.
> 0 (in Splash)
> and
> nil (in SlidingCardTray).
No answer from OA yet, so here's some speculation...
The value is used (as far as I can tell) in
View>>dispatchMessage:wParam:LParam:. The value is checked with #isInteger and
if so then that number is returned directly to Windows, otherwise (true, false,
self, nil, ...) the Windows default processing is invoked.
I once posted a bit more analysis of Dolphin's event handling in this thread. includes a useful MSDN link.
Adding everything together, I /think/ you should nornally return 0 if you don't
want Windows to provide its default interpretation of that event; true, false,
nil (etc) if you do want it to.
-- chris