On Tue, 22 Nov 2005 11:53:13 -0300, Esteban A. Maringolo wrote:
> Stefan Schmiedl escribió:
>> How (and where) can I find out, in which column the mouse pointer was,
>> when the user double-clicked on a data row in a ListView?
>> Is there a better way than storing the mouseEvent passed along by
>> ListView>>onLeftButtonPressed: and analyzing it in the Presenter method
>> triggered by #actionPerformed?
> Subscribe directly to the view event.
> It is:
> createSchematicWiring
> "Private - blah blah..."
> super createSchematicWiring.
> self listPresenter view when: #leftButtonPressed send:
> #onListLeftButtonPresed: to: self
While messing around (TM) with D6, I came upon
which also appears in package "SSW Widget Enhancements" as
The methods return an instance of LVHITTESTINFO, which can
be queried for its iItem (zero-based row) and iSubitem
(zero-based column).