Where did all the Comments Go?

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Where did all the Comments Go?

My third attempt to post this ...

I’m coming back to Pharo after not having used it for several months.  I’m pleased to see that Pharo 7 is now stable and that work has started on Pharo 8.

I downloaded a new Pharo Launcher (the old one could no longer figure out which version of the VM to use), used the Launcher to create a Pharo 7.0 stable image, and started loading my packages into it from github.

My attempt to install the baseline of my code failed when some initialization code could not get the definitionComment for my parser (which is written using SmaCC).  Normally, SmaCC stores one’s whole grammar _as a method comment_ in a method called definitionComment.   Oddly, this method was empty, even though the version on disk (in the file Grace-Parser.package/GraceParser.class/class/definitionComment.st) contained the comment, as I expected.

Hoping to at least complete the installation of my code, I manually copied the comment from this file into Calypso and saved the method.  It looked fine, but as soon as I moved Calypso to another method, and then back again, the comment had disappeared.  I experimented with adding comments to other methods: they looked fine, and I could save the method, but if I moved to another method and then back, the comment had disappeared.

Class comments have also disappeared.

I don’t think that this is a Calypso problem, because the loading of code from git would not involve Calypso. Rather it is a code storage problem.  I saw a File System primitive failure when I launched my new image, but ignored it; I’m guessing that the comments disappear because they are only in the file system, whereas the code is in memory.  And for some reason I can’t access the sources file?  The changes file ahs been created as expected.

I just tried downloading the VM manually, and running the “stable” image that I created, and this time got a different file system primitive failure on startup: #createDirectory in MacStore.

What’s going on?  What’s the right way to get a working Pharo in the New World Order?


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Re: Where did all the Comments Go?

To try and make some progress, I copied a working image from another machine.  On startup (on MacOS 10.14.6) I get this walkback:

File class(ProtoObject)>>primitiveFailed:
File class(ProtoObject)>>primitiveFailed
File class>>fileDescriptorType:
File class>>fileDescriptorIsAvailable:
Stdio class>>standardIOStreamNamed:forWrite:
Stdio class>>stdout
VTermOutputDriver class>>stdout
BasicCommandLineHandler class(Behavior)>>new
[ self new activate ] in BasicCommandLineHandler class>>startUp: in Block: [ self new activate ]
[ isImageStarting := self launchSnapshot: save andQuit: quit.
wait signal ] in SessionManager>>snapshot:andQuit: in Block: [ isImageStarting := self launchSnapshot: save and...etc...
[ self value.
Processor terminateActive ] in BlockClosure>>newProcess in Block: [ self value....

> On 19 Sep 2019, at 17:43 , Andrew Black <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I’m coming back to Pharo after not having used it for several months.  I’m pleased to see that Pharo 7 is now stable and that work has started on Pharo 8.
> I downloaded a new Pharo Launcher (the old one could no longer figure out which version of the VM to use), used the Launcher to create a Pharo 7.0 stable image, and started loading my packages into it from github.
> My attempt to install the baseline of my code failed when some initialization code could not get the definitionComment for my parser (which is written using SmaCC).  Normally, SmaCC stores one’s whole grammar _as a method comment_ in a method called definitionComment.   Oddly, this method was empty, even though the version on disk (in the file Grace-Parser.package/GraceParser.class/class/definitionComment.st) contained the comment, as I expected.
> Hoping to at least complete the installation of my code, I manually copied the comment from this file into Calypso and saved the method.  It looked fine, but as soon as I moved Calypso to another method, and then back again, the comment had disappeared.  I experimented with adding comments to other methods: they looked fine, and I could save the method, but if I moved to another method and then back, the comment had disappeared.
> Class comments have also disappeared.
> I don’t think that this is a Calypso problem, because the loading of code from git would not involve Calypso. Rather it is a code storage problem.  I saw a File System primitive failure when I launched my new image, but ignored it; I’m guessing that the comments disappear because they are only in the file system, whereas the code is in memory.  And for some reason I can’t access the sources file?  The changes file ahs been created as expected.
> I just tried downloading the VM manually, and running the “stable” image that I created, and this time got a different file system primitive failure on startup: #createDirectory in MacStore.
> What’s going on?  What’s the right way to get a working Pharo in the New World Order?
> Andrew

Prof. Andrew P. Black
Department of Computer Science
Portland State University
Oregon, USA

Telephone: +1 503 725 2411

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Re: Where did all the Comments Go?

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

Are you saying all method and class comments are gone, in the whole system, or just the ones from new code that you loaded ?

And is this the case only for you own code, or anything loaded extra ?


> On 20 Sep 2019, at 23:59, Andrew Black <[hidden email]> wrote:
> To try and make some progress, I copied a working image from another machine.  On startup (on MacOS 10.14.6) I get this walkback:
> File class(ProtoObject)>>primitiveFailed:
> File class(ProtoObject)>>primitiveFailed
> File class>>fileDescriptorType:
> File class>>fileDescriptorIsAvailable:
> Stdio class>>standardIOStreamNamed:forWrite:
> Stdio class>>stdout
> VTermOutputDriver class>>stdout
> BasicCommandLineHandler(CommandLineHandler)>>initializeStdout
> BasicCommandLineHandler(CommandLineHandler)>>initialize
> BasicCommandLineHandler>>initialize
> BasicCommandLineHandler class(Behavior)>>new
> [ self new activate ] in BasicCommandLineHandler class>>startUp: in Block: [ self new activate ]
> BlockClosure>>cull:
> WorkingSession>>executeDeferredStartupActions:
> WorkingSession>>runStartup:
> WorkingSession>>start:
> SessionManager>>launchSnapshot:andQuit:
> [ isImageStarting := self launchSnapshot: save andQuit: quit.
> wait signal ] in SessionManager>>snapshot:andQuit: in Block: [ isImageStarting := self launchSnapshot: save and...etc...
> [ self value.
> Processor terminateActive ] in BlockClosure>>newProcess in Block: [ self value....
>> On 19 Sep 2019, at 17:43 , Andrew Black <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I’m coming back to Pharo after not having used it for several months.  I’m pleased to see that Pharo 7 is now stable and that work has started on Pharo 8.
>> I downloaded a new Pharo Launcher (the old one could no longer figure out which version of the VM to use), used the Launcher to create a Pharo 7.0 stable image, and started loading my packages into it from github.
>> My attempt to install the baseline of my code failed when some initialization code could not get the definitionComment for my parser (which is written using SmaCC).  Normally, SmaCC stores one’s whole grammar _as a method comment_ in a method called definitionComment.   Oddly, this method was empty, even though the version on disk (in the file Grace-Parser.package/GraceParser.class/class/definitionComment.st) contained the comment, as I expected.
>> Hoping to at least complete the installation of my code, I manually copied the comment from this file into Calypso and saved the method.  It looked fine, but as soon as I moved Calypso to another method, and then back again, the comment had disappeared.  I experimented with adding comments to other methods: they looked fine, and I could save the method, but if I moved to another method and then back, the comment had disappeared.
>> Class comments have also disappeared.
>> I don’t think that this is a Calypso problem, because the loading of code from git would not involve Calypso. Rather it is a code storage problem.  I saw a File System primitive failure when I launched my new image, but ignored it; I’m guessing that the comments disappear because they are only in the file system, whereas the code is in memory.  And for some reason I can’t access the sources file?  The changes file ahs been created as expected.
>> I just tried downloading the VM manually, and running the “stable” image that I created, and this time got a different file system primitive failure on startup: #createDirectory in MacStore.
>> What’s going on?  What’s the right way to get a working Pharo in the New World Order?
>> Andrew
> ____________________________
> Prof. Andrew P. Black
> Department of Computer Science
> Portland State University
> Oregon, USA
> http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~black
> Telephone: +1 503 725 2411

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Re: Where did all the Comments Go?

Paul DeBruicker
In reply to this post by AndrewBlack
Hi Andrew-

If you use the scripts from

https://get.pharo.org (for 32 bit)


https://get.pharo.org/64 (for 64 bit)

to download a vm+image e.g.

curl https://get.pharo.org/64 | bash

Do you also have the disappearing comments issue?  I can't imagine it would
make a difference and that you'll still see the problem but it would be a
ten minute test at most.  

FWIW I can write and read class comments in Pharo 7 just fine, but don't use
and never load SmaCC.  

Could it be a problem with SmaCC + Pharo7?

Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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Re: Where did all the Comments Go?

Marcus Denker-4
In reply to this post by AndrewBlack

This looks to me like a case where, due to some unknown reason, the image can not store the source in the .changes file.

I have no idea why this happens… but it would explain why the comments disappear (as the comments are only in the source stored in the .changes file).

> On 20 Sep 2019, at 23:59, Andrew Black <[hidden email]> wrote:
> My third attempt to post this ...
> I’m coming back to Pharo after not having used it for several months.  I’m pleased to see that Pharo 7 is now stable and that work has started on Pharo 8.
> I downloaded a new Pharo Launcher (the old one could no longer figure out which version of the VM to use), used the Launcher to create a Pharo 7.0 stable image, and started loading my packages into it from github.
> My attempt to install the baseline of my code failed when some initialization code could not get the definitionComment for my parser (which is written using SmaCC).  Normally, SmaCC stores one’s whole grammar _as a method comment_ in a method called definitionComment.   Oddly, this method was empty, even though the version on disk (in the file Grace-Parser.package/GraceParser.class/class/definitionComment.st) contained the comment, as I expected.
> Hoping to at least complete the installation of my code, I manually copied the comment from this file into Calypso and saved the method.  It looked fine, but as soon as I moved Calypso to another method, and then back again, the comment had disappeared.  I experimented with adding comments to other methods: they looked fine, and I could save the method, but if I moved to another method and then back, the comment had disappeared.
> Class comments have also disappeared.
> I don’t think that this is a Calypso problem, because the loading of code from git would not involve Calypso. Rather it is a code storage problem.  I saw a File System primitive failure when I launched my new image, but ignored it; I’m guessing that the comments disappear because they are only in the file system, whereas the code is in memory.  And for some reason I can’t access the sources file?  The changes file ahs been created as expected.
> I just tried downloading the VM manually, and running the “stable” image that I created, and this time got a different file system primitive failure on startup: #createDirectory in MacStore.
> What’s going on?  What’s the right way to get a working Pharo in the New World Order?
> Andrew

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Re: Where did all the Comments Go?

In reply to this post by Paul DeBruicker
I gave up working on this issue back in September because I had other things
to do, but never resolved it — unless you call screen-sharing to another
machine that does continue to run Pharo a "solution"

As far as I can see, the problem is that my Pharo VM can't find the
primitives that allow it to access the file system.  This means that nothing
that requires file system access — including getting the sources — will
work.  Of course, this makes no sense, because Iceberg had just loaded my
code from the file system ... but perhaps using a different mechanism?

I did try your suggestion to get a more stable Pharo:

> $ curl https://get.pharo.org/64 | bash
>   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time
> Current
>                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left
> Speed
> 100   237  100   237    0     0     49      0  0:00:04  0:00:04 --:--:--  
> 52
> bash: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
> bash: line 1: `
> &lt;
> !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN&quot;
> &gt;
> '
> $

Then I tried

> $ curl https://get.pharo.org/64/stable | bash
>   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time
> Current
>                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left
> Speed
> 100  3260  100  3260    0     0   4234      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--
> 4239
> Downloading the latest 70 Image:
>     http://files.pharo.org/get-files/70/pharo64.zip
> Pharo.image
> $

which created Pharo.changes, Pharo.image, and Pharo7.0-32bit-ccd1f64.sources
in the current directory.
Presumably, it also put the 64-bit VM somewhere, but I don't know where.  If
I just do

> $ open Pharo.image

Pharo runs, and so does Iceberg, but the image that it's running is my
broken Pharo launcher image, not the new one that was just downloaded, and
the VM running it is a 32-bit VM, because MacOS warns me that it is out of
date, and that it won't keep working for much longer.

So clearly Zeroconf is not, and I have issues with broken bits of old Pharos
on this particular computer, but I'm no closer to figuring out how to
actually run Pharo again.

Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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Re: Where did all the Comments Go?

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

> On 15 Nov 2019, at 18:10, AndrewBlack <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> $ open Pharo.image
> Pharo runs, and so does Iceberg, but the image that it's running is my
> broken Pharo launcher image, not the new one that was just downloaded, and
> the VM running it is a 32-bit VM, because MacOS warns me that it is out of
> date, and that it won't keep working for much longer.
> So clearly Zeroconf is not, and I have issues with broken bits of old Pharos
> on this particular computer, but I'm no closer to figuring out how to
> actually run Pharo again.


$ ./pharo-ui Pharo.image

Unless you did not yet download the VM. You can download both using

$ curl get.pharo.org/64/70+vm | bash

on macOS and Linux
