Which image

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Which image

Ian Bartholomew-3
Re: Defect 627 - Remove the 'open most recently used image' feature from the


628 - Modify installation so that the menu shortcuts specify the image to
(I assume this is talking about the OS start menu?)

I don't know if it would be technically feasible but one other option might
be to have an "Open image" command on the Dolphin file menu. It could shut
down the current image as normal and then automatically restart using the
selected image.


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Re: Which image

Blair McGlashan
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Re: Defect 627 - Remove the 'open most recently used image' feature from
> VM
> and
> 628 - Modify installation so that the menu shortcuts specify the image to
> load
> (I assume this is talking about the OS start menu?)
> I don't know if it would be technically feasible but one other option
> be to have an "Open image" command on the Dolphin file menu. It could shut
> down the current image as normal and then automatically restart using the
> selected image.

The "Open" command would really be spawning off another copy of Dolphin and
shutting down. A benefit would be that we could have a 'most recently used'
list. Other than that I don't think it "works" in the sense that it does in
a normal application where the things one is opening are just "data",
because the image is really the program, not its data.

Remember that we will be enhancing the Dolphin.exe stub to open the image on
its command line using whichever VM version matches the image (although we
may only be able to go back as far as D4, D3 may not be possible), so
double-clicking an image to open it will become the preferred way to start
Dolphin images, without the versioning problems inherent in the .img file
associations that previous versions of Dolphin had.

