Which one should I download?

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Which one should I download?

Torsten Bergmann
Dear Robert,

I doubt that it is a general issue as I regulary try on various XP combinations
(even today) and therefore guess that it is a local problem on your single machine.

As you have other images and older VM's floating around it may be an
issue that you start the image with an old outdated VM.

Note that when you double click the image to start the Windows OS will use the
executable (VM) which is associated with the *.image extension. If you had
older VM installations (Squeak or other) this may conflict.
Just to make sure can you please exactly follow these steps:

 1. download and extract http://files.pharo.org/image/30/latest.zip in a fresh directory
 2. download and extract http://files.pharo.org/vm/pharo/win/stable.zip into the same directory
 3. go to this directory and drag the Pharo image "Pharo-30782.image" onto the "Pharo.exe"
    to make sure the system is exactly started with this combination and no other VM or image
    is involved

Then tell us if this works or (if it still fails) what the system reprorts to you

You should also check: in World Menu -> "Tools" -> "SystemReporter", there you
should check the entry "VM general" which will tell you excactly the VM you
are running on.

If you select all entries in this "System Reporter" you can send the report here
so we know more about your environment.


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Re: Which one should I download?

I am dragging the image onto the pharo.exe in a newlynamed folder using an install whose README says date of Feb 25
Pharo 3.0
This distribution was built February 25, 2014.
as for that pharo.exe
created and last mod date is 12 7 2013
the dir is
and the dates for that Pharo3.0 dub-dir is today a few hours ago
so if a drag-drop of
onto that exe in that same folder has some obscure path issue, that is a worry I would think.

On 26 February 2014 08:52, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear Robert,

I doubt that it is a general issue as I regulary try on various XP combinations
(even today) and therefore guess that it is a local problem on your single machine.

As you have other images and older VM's floating around it may be an
issue that you start the image with an old outdated VM.

Note that when you double click the image to start the Windows OS will use the
executable (VM) which is associated with the *.image extension. If you had
older VM installations (Squeak or other) this may conflict.

Just to make sure can you please exactly follow these steps:

 1. download and extract http://files.pharo.org/image/30/latest.zip in a fresh directory
 2. download and extract http://files.pharo.org/vm/pharo/win/stable.zip into the same directory
 3. go to this directory and drag the Pharo image "Pharo-30782.image" onto the "Pharo.exe"
    to make sure the system is exactly started with this combination and no other VM or image
    is involved

Then tell us if this works or (if it still fails) what the system reprorts to you

You should also check: in World Menu -> "Tools" -> "SystemReporter", there you
should check the entry "VM general" which will tell you excactly the VM you
are running on.

If you select all entries in this "System Reporter" you can send the report here
so we know more about your environment.


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Re: Which one should I download?

Tudor Girba-2
Thanks for reporting.

What obscure path issue?


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 7:01 PM, Robert Shiplett <[hidden email]> wrote:
I am dragging the image onto the pharo.exe in a newlynamed folder using an install whose README says date of Feb 25
Pharo 3.0
This distribution was built February 25, 2014.
as for that pharo.exe
created and last mod date is 12 7 2013
the dir is
and the dates for that Pharo3.0 dub-dir is today a few hours ago
so if a drag-drop of
onto that exe in that same folder has some obscure path issue, that is a worry I would think.

On 26 February 2014 08:52, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear Robert,

I doubt that it is a general issue as I regulary try on various XP combinations
(even today) and therefore guess that it is a local problem on your single machine.

As you have other images and older VM's floating around it may be an
issue that you start the image with an old outdated VM.

Note that when you double click the image to start the Windows OS will use the
executable (VM) which is associated with the *.image extension. If you had
older VM installations (Squeak or other) this may conflict.

Just to make sure can you please exactly follow these steps:

 1. download and extract http://files.pharo.org/image/30/latest.zip in a fresh directory
 2. download and extract http://files.pharo.org/vm/pharo/win/stable.zip into the same directory
 3. go to this directory and drag the Pharo image "Pharo-30782.image" onto the "Pharo.exe"
    to make sure the system is exactly started with this combination and no other VM or image
    is involved

Then tell us if this works or (if it still fails) what the system reprorts to you

You should also check: in World Menu -> "Tools" -> "SystemReporter", there you
should check the entry "VM general" which will tell you excactly the VM you
are running on.

If you select all entries in this "System Reporter" you can send the report here
so we know more about your environment.



"Every thing has its own flow"
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Re: Which one should I download?

Someone keeps saying I must be doing something wrong, the ini file must be wrong .... execution in Windows in dependent on two settings of PATH in env var's ... and Win drag-drop in Explorer would have to be broken 

As I say, what obscure PATH issue could that have been ?  

And I am still trying to find a sure set of steps to reproduce ... having had the misfortune of hitting these 2 bugs ... and in the process finding that World | Windows  has some menu quirks / ineffective actions 


On 27 February 2014 01:34, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks for reporting.

What obscure path issue?


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 7:01 PM, Robert Shiplett <[hidden email]> wrote:
I am dragging the image onto the pharo.exe in a newlynamed folder using an install whose README says date of Feb 25
Pharo 3.0
This distribution was built February 25, 2014.
as for that pharo.exe
created and last mod date is 12 7 2013
the dir is
and the dates for that Pharo3.0 dub-dir is today a few hours ago
so if a drag-drop of
onto that exe in that same folder has some obscure path issue, that is a worry I would think.

On 26 February 2014 08:52, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear Robert,

I doubt that it is a general issue as I regulary try on various XP combinations
(even today) and therefore guess that it is a local problem on your single machine.

As you have other images and older VM's floating around it may be an
issue that you start the image with an old outdated VM.

Note that when you double click the image to start the Windows OS will use the
executable (VM) which is associated with the *.image extension. If you had
older VM installations (Squeak or other) this may conflict.

Just to make sure can you please exactly follow these steps:

 1. download and extract http://files.pharo.org/image/30/latest.zip in a fresh directory
 2. download and extract http://files.pharo.org/vm/pharo/win/stable.zip into the same directory
 3. go to this directory and drag the Pharo image "Pharo-30782.image" onto the "Pharo.exe"
    to make sure the system is exactly started with this combination and no other VM or image
    is involved

Then tell us if this works or (if it still fails) what the system reprorts to you

You should also check: in World Menu -> "Tools" -> "SystemReporter", there you
should check the entry "VM general" which will tell you excactly the VM you
are running on.

If you select all entries in this "System Reporter" you can send the report here
so we know more about your environment.



"Every thing has its own flow"

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Re: Which one should I download?

Ben Coman
Robert Shiplett wrote:
Someone keeps saying I must be doing something wrong, the ini file must be wrong .... execution in Windows in dependent on two settings of PATH in env var's ... and Win drag-drop in Explorer would have to be broken

I hope you don't take it to heart.  Its a process of eliminating what the things we can think of - when there is not a steps-to-reproduce.

As I say, what obscure PATH issue could that have been ?  

And I am still trying to find a sure set of steps to reproduce ... having had the misfortune of hitting these 2 bugs ... and in the process finding that World | Windows  has some menu quirks / ineffective actions

I've reproduced your issue:  "World > Windows > Send top window to back."  Nice find. Actually I've never used the Window menu myself.

I start looking into it by bringing up halos on the menu item ( <Shift-Alt-click> on MS Windows) thenclicking on the spanner "Debug" icon and from its menu selecting "Inspect Morph".  This  opens an inspector on a ToggleMenuItemMorph. Browsing its instance variables discovers _target_ holds   [ SystemWindow sendTopWindowToBack ] and putting a halt in method #sendTopWindowToBack indeed triggers the breakpoint when using menu item.

SystemWindow class >> sendTopWindowToBack
    TopWindow ifNotNil:
        [TopWindow sendToBack]

Now stepping through this didn't highlight anything obvious, but something seemed strange so I replaced the halt in #sendToWindowToBack with
    Transcript crShow: TopWindow.

which then displayed "nil" in th Transcript window.  Now from the context-menu on TopWindow, selecting "Extended Search... > references to it" bring a list of thirteen methods, but only the following two methods stored into the class variable _TopWindow_
* basicActivate
* passivateTopWindow

so at the top of each of those putting...
       Transcript crShow: thisContext printString.

gives an interesting result that
* #basicActivate is called when clicking on windows, and
* #passivateTopWindow is called when the World Menu is shown.

Now going back to through releases I find this issue has existed since Pharo 1.1 - and you are the first to discover this issue - so I'd say your doing well with your shakedown.

I find that Pharo 1.0 works and doesn't have #passivateTopWindow,

Pharo 1.1 has one sender of #passivateTopWindow which is PasteUpMorph>>mouseDown:
with that having the following as the major modification from Pharo 1.0...
    self isWorldMorph ifTrue: [
        self currentWindow ifNotNilDo: [:topWindow |
        SystemWindow passivateTopWindow]].    "since pasteup will release keyboard focus now"

Tracing through SystemWindow>>sendToBack shows this relies on "self world submorphs" returning an Array ordered from top window to bottom window.  So we can similarly rely on this to do...
    SystemWindow class >> sendTopWindowToBack
        "Send the top window of the world to the back, activating the one just beneath it"
          |  topWindow backWindow |
        ActiveWorld  submorphs do:
        [     :morph |
            morph isSystemWindow ifTrue:
            [    topWindow ifNil: [ topWindow := morph ].
                backWindow := morph.
        topWindow notNil ifTrue:
        [    ActiveWorld addMorph: topWindow behind: backWindow.

cheers -ben


On 27 February 2014 01:34, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks for reporting.

What obscure path issue?


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 7:01 PM, Robert Shiplett <[hidden email]> wrote:
I am dragging the image onto the pharo.exe in a newlynamed folder using an install whose README says date of Feb 25
Pharo 3.0
This distribution was built February 25, 2014.
as for that pharo.exe
created and last mod date is 12 7 2013
the dir is
and the dates for that Pharo3.0 dub-dir is today a few hours ago
so if a drag-drop of
onto that exe in that same folder has some obscure path issue, that is a worry I would think.

On 26 February 2014 08:52, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear Robert,

I doubt that it is a general issue as I regulary try on various XP combinations
(even today) and therefore guess that it is a local problem on your single machine.

As you have other images and older VM's floating around it may be an
issue that you start the image with an old outdated VM.

Note that when you double click the image to start the Windows OS will use the
executable (VM) which is associated with the *.image extension. If you had
older VM installations (Squeak or other) this may conflict.

Just to make sure can you please exactly follow these steps:

 1. download and extract http://files.pharo.org/image/30/latest.zip in a fresh directory
 2. download and extract http://files.pharo.org/vm/pharo/win/stable.zip into the same directory
 3. go to this directory and drag the Pharo image "Pharo-30782.image" onto the "Pharo.exe"
    to make sure the system is exactly started with this combination and no other VM or image
    is involved

Then tell us if this works or (if it still fails) what the system reprorts to you

You should also check: in World Menu -> "Tools" -> "SystemReporter", there you
should check the entry "VM general" which will tell you excactly the VM you
are running on.

If you select all entries in this "System Reporter" you can send the report here
so we know more about your environment.



"Every thing has its own flow"

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Re: Which one should I download?


I am already spread very thin and am reluctant to drop Pharo as I have no assurance that Dolphin Smalltalk is going to hang in there ... and I have health issues already in early retirement ( NOBODY even interviews a software developer over 60 in Canada - even though the Google guys I meet want me to keep their card ... but they FLY new grad's out to Mountainview ... - and then their are the customers who NEVER pay any bill before 90 days IF EVER. )

My fave languages outside Smalltalk are rebol, icon and MIT Curl ( all expression-based languages even if Curl uses regexp  - that is Curl of www.curl.com , not cURL ) have been going through crises ... but even if Curl is squashed by Tokyo's SCSK Corp instead of breaking into Africa and China and India, Red as an alternative to Rebol has broken into China ... and oh what a bug-as-feature Rebol has been ! )  and ICON may yet survive the split into UNICON ( Rebol and Icon still struggle to be Unicode-compliant and Curl was always so as much as was the JavaScript that squashed StrongTalk/Self ...

Of course France saw Prologia vanish into Air Liquide, so the fate of Curl should not surprise me.

I am UTTERLY opposed to $$$ at the entrance for participation in a programming language !  Ralph Griswold would turn in his grave.  And what a problem it was for Rebol and what a nightmare in the first decades of Smalltalk.

Positive : Logtalk remains as a promising development for Prolog even if Prolog never gets a home in Smalltalk and Prolog still has a promising future in Mercury.  So I am not WHOLLY discouraged at the end of my own career.

But Oz/Mozart in emacs ? I would rather take Curl in eclipse !

( If you never ran the docs in Curl IDE, then you have missed the closest thing to Smalltalk since MS QuickPascal's brief flame. And as a user of Borland C++ for OS/2 IDE at a time we were required to Use IBM WorthlessBench ... ;-)

Any Smalltalker who fired up and reset and edited and saved code in Curl doc's viewer (cross platform) would NEVER want to to back to PDF let alone TeX tools -- unless they had already used StrongTalk 2.0 .... which most students graduate without ever being required to try.


learning to read UNICODE Japanese one kanji and two-kanji at a time — from Shift-JIS and J-EUC and PDF pages ... in French and German and Russian ... without a Smalltalk-80 notes/e-book e-learning tool in 2014 ... 40 years / 4 decades after 1974.

On 27 February 2014 10:29, <[hidden email]> wrote:
Robert Shiplett wrote:
Someone keeps saying I must be doing something wrong, the ini file must be wrong .... execution in Windows in dependent on two settings of PATH in env var's ... and Win drag-drop in Explorer would have to be broken

I hope you don't take it to heart.  Its a process of eliminating what the things we can think of - when there is not a steps-to-reproduce.

As I say, what obscure PATH issue could that have been ?  

And I am still trying to find a sure set of steps to reproduce ... having had the misfortune of hitting these 2 bugs ... and in the process finding that World | Windows  has some menu quirks / ineffective actions

I've reproduced your issue:  "World > Windows > Send top window to back."  Nice find. Actually I've never used the Window menu myself.

I start looking into it by bringing up halos on the menu item ( <Shift-Alt-click> on MS Windows) thenclicking on the spanner "Debug" icon and from its menu selecting "Inspect Morph".  This  opens an inspector on a ToggleMenuItemMorph. Browsing its instance variables discovers _target_ holds   [ SystemWindow sendTopWindowToBack ] and putting a halt in method #sendTopWindowToBack indeed triggers the breakpoint when using menu item.

SystemWindow class >> sendTopWindowToBack
    TopWindow ifNotNil:
        [TopWindow sendToBack]

Now stepping through this didn't highlight anything obvious, but something seemed strange so I replaced the halt in #sendToWindowToBack with
    Transcript crShow: TopWindow.

which then displayed "nil" in th Transcript window.  Now from the context-menu on TopWindow, selecting "Extended Search... > references to it" bring a list of thirteen methods, but only the following two methods stored into the class variable _TopWindow_
* basicActivate
* passivateTopWindow

so at the top of each of those putting...
       Transcript crShow: thisContext printString.

gives an interesting result that
* #basicActivate is called when clicking on windows, and
* #passivateTopWindow is called when the World Menu is shown.

Now going back to through releases I find this issue has existed since Pharo 1.1 - and you are the first to discover this issue - so I'd say your doing well with your shakedown.

I find that Pharo 1.0 works and doesn't have #passivateTopWindow,

Pharo 1.1 has one sender of #passivateTopWindow which is PasteUpMorph>>mouseDown:
with that having the following as the major modification from Pharo 1.0...
    self isWorldMorph ifTrue: [
        self currentWindow ifNotNilDo: [:topWindow |
        SystemWindow passivateTopWindow]].    "since pasteup will release keyboard focus now"

Tracing through SystemWindow>>sendToBack shows this relies on "self world submorphs" returning an Array ordered from top window to bottom window.  So we can similarly rely on this to do...
    SystemWindow class >> sendTopWindowToBack
        "Send the top window of the world to the back, activating the one just beneath it"
          |  topWindow backWindow |
        ActiveWorld  submorphs do:
        [     :morph |
            morph isSystemWindow ifTrue:
            [    topWindow ifNil: [ topWindow := morph ].
                backWindow := morph.
        topWindow notNil ifTrue:
        [    ActiveWorld addMorph: topWindow behind: backWindow.

cheers -ben


On 27 February 2014 01:34, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks for reporting.

What obscure path issue?


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 7:01 PM, Robert Shiplett <[hidden email]> wrote:
I am dragging the image onto the pharo.exe in a newlynamed folder using an install whose README says date of Feb 25
Pharo 3.0
This distribution was built February 25, 2014.
as for that pharo.exe
created and last mod date is 12 7 2013
the dir is
and the dates for that Pharo3.0 dub-dir is today a few hours ago
so if a drag-drop of
onto that exe in that same folder has some obscure path issue, that is a worry I would think.

On 26 February 2014 08:52, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear Robert,

I doubt that it is a general issue as I regulary try on various XP combinations
(even today) and therefore guess that it is a local problem on your single machine.

As you have other images and older VM's floating around it may be an
issue that you start the image with an old outdated VM.

Note that when you double click the image to start the Windows OS will use the
executable (VM) which is associated with the *.image extension. If you had
older VM installations (Squeak or other) this may conflict.

Just to make sure can you please exactly follow these steps:

 1. download and extract http://files.pharo.org/image/30/latest.zip in a fresh directory
 2. download and extract http://files.pharo.org/vm/pharo/win/stable.zip into the same directory
 3. go to this directory and drag the Pharo image "Pharo-30782.image" onto the "Pharo.exe"
    to make sure the system is exactly started with this combination and no other VM or image
    is involved

Then tell us if this works or (if it still fails) what the system reprorts to you

You should also check: in World Menu -> "Tools" -> "SystemReporter", there you
should check the entry "VM general" which will tell you excactly the VM you
are running on.

If you select all entries in this "System Reporter" you can send the report here
so we know more about your environment.



"Every thing has its own flow"