Hello All,
I want to thank everyone that has written in to www.whysmalltalk.com
with comments, suggestions, and additions. Recent updates include:
Featured products produced in Smalltalk. From stock information to
sailing the seven seas, Smalltalk lives in these new products.
New sections added including Smalltalk Events, E-Zines, Graphics,
links, and user groups
More tutorials, articles, and Smalltalk developer comments
The latest information of new releases of VisualWorks, SmalltalkMT,
Dolphin, etc..
Smalltalk goodies from the web such as a CD containing 13 Smalltalk
Environments and much more.
We have been busily updating Why Smalltalk, but we still need your
help. If you see anything we are missing write us at
[hidden email] and we will gladly post it up.
Thanks to everyone,
Jason Jones
Supporting the Smalltalk Community