Why -encoding latin1 in pharo.sh?

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Why -encoding latin1 in pharo.sh?

Göran Krampe
Hi all!

A friend of mine wondered why he couldn't copy/paste a text in UTF8
(with swedish åäö characters in it) and paste into Pharo without getting
a debugger :)

It turns out that the One-Click pharo.sh uses "-encoding latin1" when it
starts the VM. But the code in Clipboard>>clipboardText evidently
presumes that clipboard is coming in as UTF8 always - might be the new
clipboard plugin that Michael did that does that?

Anyway, why is pharo.sh using "-encoding latin1"? It works fine when
that option is removed.

regards, Göran

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Re: Why -encoding latin1 in pharo.sh?

Stéphane Ducasse
thanks for reporting ;)


On Sep 8, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Göran Krampe wrote:

> Hi all!
> A friend of mine wondered why he couldn't copy/paste a text in UTF8 (with swedish åäö characters in it) and paste into Pharo without getting a debugger :)
> It turns out that the One-Click pharo.sh uses "-encoding latin1" when it starts the VM. But the code in Clipboard>>clipboardText evidently presumes that clipboard is coming in as UTF8 always - might be the new clipboard plugin that Michael did that does that?
> Anyway, why is pharo.sh using "-encoding latin1"? It works fine when that option is removed.
> regards, Göran
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