Why is CRTLibrary #spawnForOutput: private?

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Why is CRTLibrary #spawnForOutput: private?

Tim M
I want to run an application from my Dolphin image - searching the group
pointed me to #spawnOutput and a separate Goodie. As I don't need a lot of
control and wanted this as a first stab at creating a DolphinSVN that can
simply load into the image, I figured the built in function would be fine.
However I am wondering why its flagged as private?

Sure inside the method its a bit complex - but shouldn't this be public functionality
(its quite a common thing to do)? Am I missing a better supported way?



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Re: Why is CRTLibrary #spawnForOutput: private?

"Tim M" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
>I want to run an application from my Dolphin image - searching the group
>pointed me to #spawnOutput and a separate Goodie. As I don't need a lot of
>control and wanted this as a first stab at creating a DolphinSVN that can
>simply load into the image, I figured the built in function would be fine.
>However I am wondering why its flagged as private?
> Sure inside the method its a bit complex - but shouldn't this be public
> functionality (its quite a common thing to do)? Am I missing a better
> supported way?

The methods are a leftover that should have been removed. There are a number
of issues with them - a search back through the newsgroup archives of
several years back will reveal the details, which I forget now. Bob Jarvis
has an "External Process" package among his Burning River goodies which
offers much more complete and reliable functionality.



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Re: Why is CRTLibrary #spawnForOutput: private?

In reply to this post by Tim M
DolphinSVN. Are you going to write a wrapper to the Subversion client

If so, what compiler do you plan to use?

At OSCON this year one of the svn fellows told me that they are going
to provide a nice MinGW setup that compiles svn headache-free on

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Re: Why is CRTLibrary #spawnForOutput: private?

Tim M
Griff wrote:
> DolphinSVN. Are you going to write a wrapper to the Subversion client
> DLLs?
> If so, what compiler do you plan to use?
> At OSCON this year one of the svn fellows told me that they are going
> to provide a nice MinGW setup that compiles svn headache-free on
> Windows

Actually I was just experimenting calling out to the TortoiseSVN
application - and leveraging some of their helpful dialogs.

That bit works quite well - right clicking on a project will let you
commit a directory, right clicking on a package will let you commit a
particular file.

Next on my list is to play around with conflicts (and this is where
your hint my come in) - however the normal command line SVN gives you
pretty much the info you need, and leveraging David's tip on using STS
might give me all that I need.  I'm interested in letting svn do auto
moerges and for conflicts reverting back to the STS merge dialog.

All this was driven by my desire to run CruiseControl.net to test my
Intelli-Dolphin releases automatically. I have that working in a basic
sense, and over the next week plan to write it up and share it with
