Starting from Ian Bartholomew SerialChat example I continue to build my
own application and I encounter a little problem. I have a model which update a "readBuffer" string. Each time it updates the "readBuffer", it triggers #readBufferChanged: ------- 8> ------- 8> ------- RemoteMonitoringModel>>connectTo: aString | comPort | comPort := self comPorts indexOf: aString. [reader := KPSSerialPortDriver onPort: comPort baud: CBR_9600 data: 8 parity: NOPARITY stop: ONESTOPBIT] on: NotFoundError do: [:ex | MessageBox errorMsg: 'Unable to open device'. ^false]. status := (String writeStream) nextPutAll: ' Connected to COM'; nextPutAll: comPort printString; nextPutAll: ' at '; print: Time now; nextPutAll: ' ('; nextPutAll: reader serialPort connectionParameters; nextPut: $); contents. self trigger: #newStatus. process := [ [| text b | Processor sleep: 250. b := reader carrierDetected. b = carrierPresent ifFalse: [carrierPresent := b. self trigger: #dcdChanged]. (text := self read) notNil ifTrue: [readBuffer := readBuffer , text asString. self trigger: #readBufferChanged]] repeat] fork. ^true ------- 8> ------- 8> ------- I have a presenter (and an associated view) which watches "readBuffer": ------- 8> ------- 8> ------- ModemTester>>createComponents super createComponents. comPort := self add: ListPresenter new name: 'comPort'. entry := self add: TextPresenter new name: 'entry'. display := self add: TextPresenter new name: 'display'. status := self add: TextPresenter new name: 'status'. dcdLed := self add: LedPresenter new name: 'dcdLed' ModemTester>>model: aModel super model: aModel. display model: ((aModel aspectValue: #readBuffer) aspectTriggers: #readBufferChanged). status model: ((aModel aspectValue: #status) aspectTriggers: #newStatus). dcdLed model: ((aModel aspectValue: #carrierPresent) aspectTriggers: #dcdChanged) ModemTester>>createSchematicWiring super createSchematicWiring. display when: #valueChanged send: #refreshDisplay to: self ModemTester>>refreshDisplay Sound beep. display view scrollToEnd ------- 8> ------- 8> ------- Each time readBuffer is updated, I hear the beep but "display" doesn't scroll to end. What am I doing wrong ? Thanks, Joseph |
> Each time readBuffer is updated, I hear the beep but "display" doesn't > scroll to end. This is just a guess, but maybe your change handler (#refreshDisplay) is being called before the view's own handler. As far as I know there is no defined order in which event handlers are called, so that seems possible. If you invoke #scrollToEnd before the View has seen that the text is different, then naturally it won't scroll far ;-) If that is the case, then one possible workaround would be to use a deferred action. [display view scrollToEnd] postToInputQueue. I think that there might be some problems with that if you are using a RichTextEdit, but there's no need to worry about that possibility unless you are. It would be better if there was some event triggered by the view /after/ it has updated itself. Perhaps I'm missing something, but there doesn't seem to be one. There is a #valueChanged event which is triggered off the presenter, but that seems to happen in response to the change to the model, rather than being triggered explicitly by the view. -- chris |
Chris Uppal wrote:
> If that is the case, then one possible workaround would be to use a deferred > action. > > [display view scrollToEnd] postToInputQueue. > This solves the problem :-) . > It would be better if there was some event triggered by the view /after/ it has > updated itself. Perhaps I'm missing something, but there doesn't seem to be > one. There isn't any, the view is used only to display the data exchanges with the remote equipment for diagnostic. Thanks, Joseph |
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