WidgetKit/BusinessGraphics for VAST 9.0 64 bit

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WidgetKit/BusinessGraphics for VAST 9.0 64 bit

Hermann Ottens
Hi group,

does anybody know about the plans for WidgetKit/BusinessGraphics for 64 bit?
So far i can't detect any news.
As long as the 32-bit pg32.dll is needed, we can't make any announcements to our customers concerning the support for 64 bit.
(The message
'Primitive failed in: WkBgDLL32 class>>#InitTDGLIB due to OS error193'
at the start of the image is quite depressing.)


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Re: WidgetKit/BusinessGraphics for VAST 9.0 64 bit

Seth Berman
Greetings Hermann,

WidgetKit/BusinessGraphics for 64-bit is still under investigation so you have not missed any news.
Once we have reached our conclusions we can talk more about the path for it.

Kind Regards,

-- Seth

On Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 5:11:50 AM UTC-5, Hermann Ottens wrote:
Hi group,

does anybody know about the plans for WidgetKit/BusinessGraphics for 64 bit?
So far i can't detect any news.
As long as the 32-bit pg32.dll is needed, we can't make any announcements to our customers concerning the support for 64 bit.
(The message
'Primitive failed in: WkBgDLL32 class>>#InitTDGLIB due to OS error193'
at the start of the image is quite depressing.)


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