WikiServer1.3.5b & Pier on iPhone

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WikiServer1.3.5b & Pier on iPhone

Ken G. Brown
I hope this is the right place to discuss WikiServer and Pier.
I've been messing around a bit with John McIntosh's WikiServer1.3.5b on the iPhone and would like some help understanding what's going on with Pier.

I wanted to understand the overall structure better and thought I would like to see the Tree view at the bottom left instead of just Children.
However when viewing Tree instead of Children view at bottom left things are getting lost.

In order to reproduce the symptoms in a fresh WikiServer, click Help, then Layout, then Environment, see at the bottom left:

Click Sidebar/Navigation,/Settings, choose Component Class = Tree, then Apply.
Go back to Help/Layout/Environment, and only see:


at bottom left. Previous items above are not there.

In order to revert back to Children view in the sidebar the necessary items were no longer available in the sidebar.
I had to search for the Navigation page and then do as follows:

Do a search for Navigation, go to Navigation page, click Settings, revert Component Class back to Children from Tree.

Position back to the Environment page (Help/Layout/Environment), items above are back.

What changes might I need to make in order for the Tree view to not lose the items?
Ken G. Brown
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...