Willow Bootstrap & JQueryUI loading errors

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Willow Bootstrap & JQueryUI loading errors

Sanjay Minni
I get an error when trying to load Willow-bootstrap and willow-JQueryUI using
the Metacello script

(prior to this I have loaded Willow 12.1.0 first in Pharo 8 / Windows 10)

maybe this has something to do with the following line in setUpDependencies:
baseline: 'Willow' with: [ spec repository:
'github://ba-st/Willow:v12/source' ]

if I pull in BaselineOfWillow-Bootstrap / JqueryUI thru iceberg, then edit
Willow:v12 to Willow:12.1.0, then I can successfully load thru iceberg
right-click metacello(default)

except that it takes too long - seems it goes thru all the packages incl
seaside etc each time

can the Baseline(s) be fixed in the appropriate way and can the loading be


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Re: Willow Bootstrap & JQueryUI loading errors

Hi. I will take a look. Can you file a bug report so I don't forget? v12 must be equivalent to the latest v12.x release.

You can load the Deployment group in the baseline if you want faster loading times ( it's all that's needed for runtime), but loading in Windows is slow because Seaside repo is in filetree format and Windows file system struggles with a lot of tiny files.

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019, 07:09 Sanjay Minni <[hidden email]> wrote:
I get an error when trying to load Willow-bootstrap and willow-JQueryUI using
the Metacello script

(prior to this I have loaded Willow 12.1.0 first in Pharo 8 / Windows 10)

maybe this has something to do with the following line in setUpDependencies:
baseline: 'Willow' with: [ spec repository:
'github://ba-st/Willow:v12/source' ]

if I pull in BaselineOfWillow-Bootstrap / JqueryUI thru iceberg, then edit
Willow:v12 to Willow:12.1.0, then I can successfully load thru iceberg
right-click metacello(default)

except that it takes too long - seems it goes thru all the packages incl
seaside etc each time

can the Baseline(s) be fixed in the appropriate way and can the loading be


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Re: Willow Bootstrap & JQueryUI loading errors

In reply to this post by Sanjay Minni
I've tried it on a Windows machine with a fresh Pharo installation and it works fine. The v12 branch of Willow is pointing to the same commit that v12.1.0 tag so this shouldn't be a problem.

Can you describe in more detail the error that you're getting and the steps to reproduce from a fresh Pharo install?

I know that the loading in Windows is really painful specially for projects in filetree format like Seaside. If you don't need the tests you can load the "Deployment" group that pulls less parts of Seaside onto the image so it should be faster.

You can also use the #willow channel in the Pharo discord server or in Buenos Aires Smalltalk Slack (ask me for an invitation if you want) to ask questions.


On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 7:09 AM Sanjay Minni <[hidden email]> wrote:
I get an error when trying to load Willow-bootstrap and willow-JQueryUI using
the Metacello script

(prior to this I have loaded Willow 12.1.0 first in Pharo 8 / Windows 10)

maybe this has something to do with the following line in setUpDependencies:
baseline: 'Willow' with: [ spec repository:
'github://ba-st/Willow:v12/source' ]

if I pull in BaselineOfWillow-Bootstrap / JqueryUI thru iceberg, then edit
Willow:v12 to Willow:12.1.0, then I can successfully load thru iceberg
right-click metacello(default)

except that it takes too long - seems it goes thru all the packages incl
seaside etc each time

can the Baseline(s) be fixed in the appropriate way and can the loading be


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