Win32api serial port calls?

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Win32api serial port calls?

Jerome Chan
I'm trying to implement a serial port class in order to learn how
Dolphin interfaces with the win32api. I can't seem to find a method for
GetCommState in the KernelLibrary class. How do I go about calling
KernelLibrary from Smalltalk?

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Re: Win32api serial port calls?

Alain Fischer-3
Hi Jerome,

Ian has a goodies for serial I/O which add methods in the KenelLibrary,
one of this is precisely "getCommState: aHandle lpDCB: aDCB"

the links are:
depending of wich version of Dolphin you use.

While you are one Ian's web site take a look at the others goodies
and tutorials. I think there is a lot of good code example to learn
Dolphin Smalltalk.

Have a nice day.

"Jerome Chan" <[hidden email]> a écrit dans le message news:
[hidden email]...
> I'm trying to implement a serial port class in order to learn how
> Dolphin interfaces with the win32api. I can't seem to find a method for
> GetCommState in the KernelLibrary class. How do I go about calling
> KernelLibrary from Smalltalk?

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Re: Win32api serial port calls?

Jerome Chan
In article <[hidden email]>, "Alain Fischer"
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Jerome,
> Ian has a goodies for serial I/O which add methods in the KenelLibrary,
> one of this is precisely "getCommState: aHandle lpDCB: aDCB"
> the links are:
> depending of wich version of Dolphin you use.
> While you are one Ian's web site take a look at the others goodies
> and tutorials. I think there is a lot of good code example to learn
> Dolphin Smalltalk.
> Have a nice day.
> Alain

Okies, the source did explain some of what I was looking for.