Windows Media Player Automation

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Windows Media Player Automation

Bill Schwab
Hello all,

Any success stories getting the Windows Media Player to respond to
Automation?  If so, with which version?  I can get an interface pointer to
it and retrieve properties, but, things go bad any time I try to set a file
name: it just complains that the path or file name isn't correct.  Is there
a trick to making that work?

My reason for wanting to do this is that I have a 2k machine on which the
WinMM library is flaky about playing sounds.  It consistently gets into a
mode in which #woof doesn't do anything (and system sounds are broken in all
other apps too).  I'm trying to find the cause, but, I've noticed that the
Media Player is happy working in this mode, as are the sound card
diagnostics.  I probably _should_ care that system sounds aren't working,
but, I'd be fairly happy if my code could reliably play sounds :)

Win2k sp2 and IE 5.5 sp2 are installed on the machine.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]