> On 18 Nov 2018, at 16:30, Ben Coman <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> For Iceberg. what is the likely hood that soon something like ssh-agent will be working on Windows? So that "Custom SSH Keys" doesn't need to be set every time a new image is started?
Well, for “something like ssh-agent”, we believe in fact we will need to implement the proper ssh provider for each platform.
Means ssh-agent for linux.
“Security Framework” for Mac.
And I don’t know the name for Windows :S
In theory, libgit2 allows to be compiled against this different ssh frameworks, but it will require some time and effort to get there (and to be honest, right no one who worked with iceberg has the time to do it).
But… since we are trying to improve support for windows platforms, it has to be there at some point.
> If "Custom SSH Keys" will be the main option for the foreseeable future,
> would it make sense to enabled it by default to make one less thing to trip up newcomers?
> cheers -ben