David Shaffer wrote:
>I'm using VW 7.4 under Liniux. I've got some SimpleDialog subclass
>windows which I can't seem to get rid of. I've tried:
>ScheduledWindow scheduledWindows do: [:window |
> (window model isKindOf: InventoryAdjustmentDialog)
> ifTrue: [window close]]
>and they go away only to reappear when I start the image next time.
>I've also tried something similar with the controllers (using
>#closeAndUnschedule). The windows were originally closed either by
>"self accept value: true" or "self cancel value: true" (not sure which
>ones are hanging around) and they do close at that time but then show up
>after a save/restart of the image.
>Anyone know
> 1) How to get rid of these?
> 2) What might be causing them to hang around?
Nevermind...found a thread which addresses this already. Didn't think
to search for "zombie windows" ;-)