Wishlist for packaging in Dolphin 5

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Wishlist for packaging in Dolphin 5

Jan Theodore Galkowski-2
One hurdle it took me a bit to figure out when upgrading Dolphin 3
to Dolphin 4 was how to migrate .pac files and equivalent copies
of images.  That is, how to check .pac files for incompatibilities
and how to create images from some baseline which have all one's
favorite settings, presets, and work environments, e.g., SUnit,
Refactoring Browser, etc.  

The other hurdle was figuring where Dolphin wanted different things
to be, especially the stuff under \My Documents and the Education

Any chance Object-Arts could provide a streamlined writeup on a good
way to arrange all these for the Professional Version?  Failing that,
how about a quick surefire way of getting this all done that may
be inflexible but is guaranteed?  How about a community effort to
try to take some of the load off Andy and Blair?  Sounds to me like
the Wiki would be a good place to do it.  If I get takers, I'm willing
to make a start on an outline.  Send me e-mail to

    [hidden email]

to alert me that I need to get crackin'.

The idea would be to help out newcomers to Dolphin Island, whether
Smalltalkers discoverying Dolphin's beauty or refugees from other

The prospect I'm planning for, when I buy Dolphin 5, is that I
have a bunch of stuff under a "Dolphin 4.0" subtree which I need to
move to, presumably, a "Dolphin 5.0" subtree.  I also have to
change my archiving batch files which automatically back up N
levels of Dolphin images but that's my stuff and I can't 'xpect
folks to solve all my problems....

Any interest in helping with this?

 Jan Theodore Galkowski                 [hidden email]
 The Smalltalk Idiom                     http://www.algebraist.com/
             "Smalltalk?  Yes, it's really that slick."
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Re: Wishlist for packaging in Dolphin 5

Bill Schwab-2

> The prospect I'm planning for, when I buy Dolphin 5, is that I
> have a bunch of stuff under a "Dolphin 4.0" subtree which I need to
> move to, presumably, a "Dolphin 5.0" subtree.  I also have to
> change my archiving batch files which automatically back up N
> levels of Dolphin images but that's my stuff and I can't 'xpect
> folks to solve all my problems....
> Any interest in helping with this?

Have a look at Migrate on my website.  It is intended to address these kinds
of issues.  You would install it into your D4 image and use it to write a
script that would help it create your D5 image from packages.  Suggestions
and bug reports are welcome.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Wishlist for packaging in Dolphin 5

In reply to this post by Jan Theodore Galkowski-2
I would like to see:

1. Namespaces
2. More RTFable syntax features, specifically, an ability to distinguish
between instance variables, method arguments, and block temporariesm.

I have OpenGL-based widgetry and a large supporting class hierarchy I want
to port from VW 5i.3.  I need a separate namespace, and would like syntax
coloring comparable to VW's.



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Re: Wishlist for packaging in Dolphin 5

Andy Bower

"Shaping" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:U_P08.43450$[hidden email]...
> I would like to see:
> 1. Namespaces
> 2. More RTFable syntax features, specifically, an ability to distinguish
> between instance variables, method arguments, and block temporariesm.
> I have OpenGL-based widgetry and a large supporting class hierarchy I want
> to port from VW 5i.3.  I need a separate namespace, and would like syntax
> coloring comparable to VW's.

While we are always happy to receive feature requests for future versions, I
think I should point out that the feature list for Dolphin 5 is closed. It's
just a matter now of getting the features we've got working correctly :-)

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Wishlist for packaging in Dolphin 5

Jan Theodore Galkowski-2
In reply to this post by Bill Schwab-2
Bill Schwab wrote:

> Jan,
> > The prospect I'm planning for, when I buy Dolphin 5, is that I
> > have a bunch of stuff under a "Dolphin 4.0" subtree which I need to
> > move to, presumably, a "Dolphin 5.0" subtree.  I also have to
> > change my archiving batch files which automatically back up N
> > levels of Dolphin images but that's my stuff and I can't 'xpect
> > folks to solve all my problems....
> >
> > Any interest in helping with this?
> <shamelessPlug>
> Have a look at Migrate on my website.  It is intended to address these kinds
> of issues.  You would install it into your D4 image and use it to write a
> script that would help it create your D5 image from packages.  Suggestions
> and bug reports are welcome.
> </shamelessPlug>


Thanks much.  I'll have a careful look.  --Jan
> Have a good one,
> Bill
> --
> Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
> [hidden email]

 Jan Theodore Galkowski                 [hidden email]
 The Smalltalk Idiom                     http://www.algebraist.com/
             "Smalltalk?  Yes, it's really that slick."
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