Dear Swazooers,
I just published a working Swazoo 1.1.4 on Cincom public repository and
also parcels on:
This is what I posted whrn 1.1.1 came out:
I managed to merge most of both branches into 1.1.1, additionally clean
up a bit the code and reorganize packages to in my opinion a better and
more understandable way. This is not tested yet! Testing is a next step.
Swazoo bundle is now organized as follows:
Swazoo (bundle)
Sport (bundle) (Bruce's compatibility layer)
Swazoo-Compatibility (classes like HTTPString for easier porting)
Swazoo-Core (core classes SwazooServer, Site, Resource)
Swazoo-HTTP (http serving)
Swazoo-Messages (requests (gets,posts,puts,..) and responses)
Swazoo-Headers (almost all possible message headers)
Swazoo-Exceptions (Swazoo specific errors and a HTTPException)
Swazoo-Resources (resource framework + static file serving rsrc.)
Swazoo-Examples (example resources, other nonfinished stuff)
Swazoo-Tests (Sunit tests)
There are a lot changes, let me mention just some:
- introduction of Sport compatibility layer
- almost new request parsing and header management
- http serving can now be mutithreaded or single threaded
- special error exceptions for parsing requests and for other
- package Swazoo-Examples for example resources and also for
not finished or probably not in use classes
Best regards