Hi everyone, I’m currently having problems with executing bash commands through OSSubprocess (version: #stable, as of today) on OS X 10.11.6. I’m using the command line tools of a program called ParseCit to extract metadata from .txt files. It works well for about 75% of all txt files I’ve tested it with, but fails on the remaining 25%. This isn’t due to ParseCit though, since it works on all input files, when I issue the command directly from a bash. I’ve prepared two test txt files – one that works fine (goodExample.txt) and one that doesn’t work (badExample.txt) with OSSubprocess. The conversion for both files works fine when issuing the following respective commands in a shell or bash: /Users/silas/Documents/TestWithOSS/tools/mac/parsecit/bin/citeExtract.pl -m extract_all /Users/silas/Documents/TestWithOSS/test_txt/badExample.txt /Users/silas/Documents/TestWithOSS/tools/mac/parsecit/bin/citeExtract.pl -m extract_all /Users/silas/Documents/TestWithOSS/test_txt/goodExample.txt Using OSSubprocess, it works well for goodExample.txt, the result looks like this: Unfortunately, that exact same method/command fails, if the target file is badExample.txt instead. Below, you can find two methods I’ve tried for badExaple.txt, neither of which work. Method 2 (which is the one I used in the above screenshot for goodExample.txt) has a stderr stream, its contents are just above the Method 2 screenshot. It looks like it should be a ParseCit problem, but, as I’ve mentioned above, it works fine when done directly in a bash or shell. In this GitHub repo there are the “tools” folder containing a compiled version of ParseCit, a corresponding INSTALL.md with all the necessary install steps for ParseCit, and a folder “test_txt”, which contains goodExample.txt and badExample.txt. The EES-INSTALL.md in the same repo is not relevant in this context. If anyone has an idea what could be the problem or how I could get it to work, I’d be very happy. Best, Silas *** Methods I’ve tried *** Method 1 Result: Empty stdout, empty stderr, exit status 65280 Method 2 Result: Empty stdout, exit status 65280, Stderr: /Users/silas/Documents/TestWithOSS/tools/mac/parsecit/bin/sectLabel/genericSect/extractFeature.rb:35:in `split': invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII (ArgumentError) from /Users/silas/Documents/TestWithOSS/tools/mac/parsecit/bin/sectLabel/genericSect/extractFeature.rb:35:in `<main>' Die: SectLabel::Controller::getGenericHeaders different in number of headers 8 vs. the number of generic headers 0 *** The commands *** p1 := OSSUnixSubprocess new command: '/Users/silas/Documents/TestWithOSS/tools/mac/parsecit/bin/citeExtract.pl'; arguments: #('-m' 'extract_all' '/Users/silas/Documents/TestWithOSS/test_txt/badExample.txt'); redirectStdout; redirectStderr; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | outString inspect ]. p3 := OSSUnixSubprocess new shell: '/bin/bash' command: '/Users/silas/Documents/TestWithOSS/tools/mac/parsecit/bin/citeExtract.pl -m extract_all /Users/silas/Documents/TestWithOSS/test_txt/badExample.txt'; redirectStdout; redirectStderr; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | outString inspect ]. |
Hi Silas, Sorry for the delayed answer but I am very busy at work. Have you had any success since that email? Else I will try to take a look later today. Was this on Pharo 5.0 or 6 ? Thanks, On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 12:09 PM, Silas Berger <[hidden email]> wrote:
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