Does anybody out there have some magic (or even better: code) for
getting the a worksheet to evaluate/print the current chunk of code? I have a worksheet full of snippets like MyPresenter show. ! MyPresenter allInstances do: [:each | each view close] ! Presenter subclass: #ANewPresenter instanceVariableNames: 'table' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: '' ! Model subclass: #ANewModel instanceVariableNames: 'table' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: '' ! |r img| [r := IStatConnector createObject: 'StatConnectorSrv.StatConnector'. r init: 'R'. r evaluateNoReturn: 'png("e:\demo.png", 400, 300)'; evaluateNoReturn: 'plot(((-30:30)/10)**3)'; evaluateNoReturn: ''. ] ensure: [r close]. img := (GdiplusImage fromFile: 'e:\demo.png'). (ImagePresenter show: 'Basic image' on: img) topShell extent: img extent; caption: 'CFaR Prototyp 01/2006' While Ctrl+e/Ctrl+d works good enough for the one-liners, I get slowed down while selecting the longer expressions like the last one. Ideally Ctrl+Shift+e would evaluate the chunk containing the text cursor. Happy new year, fellow Dolphineers. s. |
> Does anybody out there have some magic (or even better: code) for > getting the a worksheet to evaluate/print the current chunk of code? I can't say it's something I ever felt the need for, but it's an easy enough change to implement... SmalltalkWorkspace>>selectEvaluationRange "Private - Answer the current evaluation range, selecting the current line and answering its entire range if there is no selection." | te range | te := self view. range := te selectionRange. range isEmpty ifTrue: [| previous next | previous := (1 to: te selectionRange start) select: [:index | (te text at: index) = $!]. next := (te selectionRange stop to: te text size) select: [:index | (te text at: index) = $!]. previous isEmpty & next notEmpty ifTrue: [previous := OrderedCollection with: -1]. previous notEmpty & next isEmpty ifTrue: [next := OrderedCollection with: te text size + 1]. previous notEmpty & next notEmpty ifTrue: [range := previous last + 2 to: next first - 2. te selectionRange: range] ifFalse: [range := te selectCurrentLine]]. ^range - If there is a selection made then that is evaluated. - If there are no bangs then the line is evaluated (as normal). - If there are two or more bangs then the chunk around the cursor position is evaluated. - If there is only one bang then all the code before or after the bang (depending on the cursor location) is evaluated. That's the way it is supposed to work anyway :-) NB. If there embedded bangs (in comments, strings etc) then it won't work as expected. -- Ian Use the Reply-To address to contact me (limited validity). Mail sent to the From address is ignored. |
Hi Ian,
thanks for providing code that I could work on. On Sun, 01 Jan 2006 13:31:32 +0000, Ian Bartholomew wrote: >> Does anybody out there have some magic (or even better: code) for >> getting the a worksheet to evaluate/print the current chunk of code? > > I can't say it's something I ever felt the need for, but it's an easy > enough change to implement... I tend to try things out in a workspace, and after a while a screenful of "few-liners" emerges at the top of the workspace which make my life easier. Not to mention them being an important aid for a failing memory ... For example, I enjoy working with *few* things. So my browser shows the flat list of classes in the current package. How many mouse clicks would I need to create a new class possibly from a superclass currently not visible? Now, thanks to your sample code (which I messed with, of course), I can Alt+Left to the Worksheet besides the Browser, substitute the class names, Ctrl+e and Alt+Right and I'm done. That's *much* faster for me. And yes, vim is my favourite text editor. > > - If there is a selection made then that is evaluated. > - If there are no bangs then the line is evaluated (as normal). > - If there are two or more bangs then the chunk around the > cursor position is evaluated. > - If there is only one bang then all the code before or after > the bang (depending on the cursor location) is evaluated. > > That's the way it is supposed to work anyway :-) I think that you were off by one with an index or two, especially when sitting at the end of the text. I guess mine will fail too, if you evaluate an empty workspace, but that's a case of "don't do it, then" for me. > > NB. If there embedded bangs (in comments, strings etc) then it won't work > as expected. The following code behaves a little bit different, but is just what I need: - A selection is evaluated. - If there are no bangs, the complete text is evaluated. - If there are bangs, the "current" chunk is evaluated. - Detection of chunk delimiters is more robust, as it checks for lineDelimiter on the "inside". - And, very important (not), it is *much* faster for *huge* Workspaces, since I'm using detect instead of building an OrderedCollection just to throw it away :-) selectEvaluationRange "Private - Answer the current evaluation range, selecting the current chunk and answering its entire range if there is no selection." | te range | te := self view. range := te selectionRange. range isEmpty ifTrue: [| previous next | previous := (te selectionRange start - 1 to: 1 by: -1) detect: [:index | (te text at: index) = $! and: [ (te text midString: 2 from: index + 1) = ##(String lineDelimiter)]] ifNone: [-1]. next := (te selectionRange stop + 1 to: te text size) detect: [:index | (te text at: index) = $! and: [ (te text midString: 2 from: index - 2) = ##(String lineDelimiter)]] ifNone: [te text size + 2]. range := previous + 2 to: next - 2. te selectionRange: range]. ^range Hacking your development tools, what a great way to start the new year. s. |
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