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Workspace font is neglecting dolphin font option

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Workspace font is neglecting dolphin font option

Howard Oh
Hi folks,

Some who recognize me might have thought that I move to VisualWorks.
Actually, I had been busy C++ing and ActiveXing to do my programming work
for my boss.
I finally purchased D40 after long hasitation.
I havn't tried much yet but i appreciate the new Package browser features.
Adopting MSI to install combopack packages at once was nice, too. I'm sure I
will find more.

However, one bug fix that I waited and expected for dolphin 4 is the font of
"Workspace neglecting dolphin font option".
It's not a big deal for users of alphabetical culture, but for
non-alphabetical user like myself have no choice but to assign a font that
supports my language. Although the font option assigned,
"SmalltalkWorkspace.Default view"'s font aspect is nil to cause the bug.
"Display it", "Do it" breaks the native string and its quotes are remove
after those command.

I think STB is against the minimal effort spirit of ST. Class method
modification is effective because the modification itself changes  behavior
of all instances. On the other hand, resouce(an STB) modification for
whatever the purpose might be, the modification has effect only for the
resaved STB. To apply the modification for all its instances, user has to
save all instance manually. This is my reflection on STB. Is there any easy
way to modify view resource perfectly?

Have a good one.
Hwa Jong Oh

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Re: Workspace font is neglecting dolphin font option

Bill Schwab-2
Hwa Jong,

> I think STB is against the minimal effort spirit of ST. Class method
> modification is effective because the modification itself changes
> of all instances. On the other hand, resouce(an STB) modification for
> whatever the purpose might be, the modification has effect only for the
> resaved STB. To apply the modification for all its instances, user has to
> save all instance manually. This is my reflection on STB. Is there any
> way to modify view resource perfectly?

Look for a post in the past couple of months (I think) re scripting of the
ViewComposer.  For performance reasons, I wanted to be particularly certain
that all views in certain packages were resaved (to avoid STB conversion
overhead) and started looking for ways to do it programmatically.  Finally,
I decided to try using the ViewComposer itself, and it turned that OA uses
very similar code internally; both are in the archive.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Workspace font is neglecting dolphin font option

Howard Oh
> Look for a post in the past couple of months (I think) re scripting of the
> ViewComposer.  For performance reasons, I wanted to be particularly
> that all views in certain packages were resaved (to avoid STB conversion
> overhead) and started looking for ways to do it programmatically.
> I decided to try using the ViewComposer itself, and it turned that OA uses
> very similar code internally; both are in the archive.

String search for "script" or "ViewComposer" does not have any match.
Could you just give me a hint?

PS: plenty of new names here in the newsgroup. Glad to see one I know.
Hwa Jong Oh