WriteStream nextPutAll: fails with OrderedCollection

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WriteStream nextPutAll: fails with OrderedCollection

Try this code:

          WriteStream on: OrderedCollection new) nextPutAll: 'Fails in at:put: method'

#nextPutAll: sends the method #replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt: to whatever collection it uses.  Unfortunately in this case, OrderedCollection does not reset its #lastIndex appropriately in this method, so it hits the error condition.

Given that #nextPutAll: works as expected when applied to a WriteStream with an empty String for a collection,  It should also work for an empty OrderedCollection.  My opinion is that #nextPutAll: should be calling a different method than #replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt: - perhaps #replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:extend: where the last argument is a boolean which determines whether a strict replacement is observed or a collection may be extended. (In which case #nextPutAll: would send #true for this attribute.)

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