Writing Stack dumps (.sdf files) in another directory

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Writing Stack dumps (.sdf files) in another directory


Our server application is in a read-only directory (Well actually Windows XPembedded with EWF active) and we would like to write the stackdump files into another directory.

I tried to include a pathname with the filename for the "EsStackDumper" class however this did not have any effect ;-(

Is there a way to influence the location of the stack dumps?



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Re: Writing Stack dumps (.sdf files) in another directory

Douglas Swartz
Hello tstalzer,

In my experience, Stack dumps are written in whatever directory is the
working directory when you start the application. You can start the
application from a different directory than where the abt executable
resides. And your smalltalk image can be in a different directory, as
well, if you specify a full path to the image on the command line.


Thursday, April 11, 2013, 4:38:46 AM, you wrote:

> Hi

> Our server application is in a read-only directory (Well actually
> Windows XPembedded with EWF active) and we would like to write the
> stackdump files into another directory.

> I tried to include a pathname with the filename for the
> "EsStackDumper" class however this did not have any effect ;-(

> Is there a way to influence the location of the stack dumps?

> Thanks
> Regards

> Thomas

Best regards,
 Douglas                            mailto:[hidden email]

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Re: Writing Stack dumps (.sdf files) in another directory

In reply to this post by tstalzer

I just found the solution myself. If I change the active directory with CfsDirectoryDescriptor chdir: <dir>, the stack dump will be placed in the specified directory.

I tried that before but I used chDir: instead of chdir: thus recursing the sdf output itself....



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