XML Demarshalling

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XML Demarshalling

Larry Gadallah
Hi all:

I am a noob searching for an example of how to demarshall a set of
simple and complex XML nodes into an object using Pastell or something
similar. I have found many examples of how to pick out all of the
elements of a certain type into a collection, but I'm trying to grab
the data from a mixed collection of (~20) elements that are children
of a particular element type and unpack them into an object.

Does anyone know of some good examples of how to do this using Pastell
or something similar?

Larry Gadallah, VE6VQ/W7                          lgadallah AT gmail DOT com
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Re: XML Demarshalling

Stéphane Ducasse
I know that there is OPAX to better handle XML files to support an either conversion using a bit of reflection
but I did not use it myself.

On Jul 16, 2010, at 6:46 PM, Larry Gadallah wrote:

> Hi all:
> I am a noob searching for an example of how to demarshall a set of
> simple and complex XML nodes into an object using Pastell or something
> similar. I have found many examples of how to pick out all of the
> elements of a certain type into a collection, but I'm trying to grab
> the data from a mixed collection of (~20) elements that are children
> of a particular element type and unpack them into an object.
> Does anyone know of some good examples of how to do this using Pastell
> or something similar?
> Thanks,
> --
> Larry Gadallah, VE6VQ/W7                          lgadallah AT gmail DOT com
> PGP Sig: 917E DDB7 C911 9EC1 0CD9  C06B 06C4 835F 0BB8 7336
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Re: XML Demarshalling

In reply to this post by Larry Gadallah
How big is your XML file? Molecular biology?


2010/7/16 Larry Gadallah <[hidden email]>:

> Hi all:
> I am a noob searching for an example of how to demarshall a set of
> simple and complex XML nodes into an object using Pastell or something
> similar. I have found many examples of how to pick out all of the
> elements of a certain type into a collection, but I'm trying to grab
> the data from a mixed collection of (~20) elements that are children
> of a particular element type and unpack them into an object.
> Does anyone know of some good examples of how to do this using Pastell
> or something similar?
> Thanks,
> --
> Larry Gadallah, VE6VQ/W7                          lgadallah AT gmail DOT com
> PGP Sig: 917E DDB7 C911 9EC1 0CD9  C06B 06C4 835F 0BB8 7336
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Re: XML Demarshalling

In reply to this post by Larry Gadallah

On 16.07.2010, at 18:46, Larry Gadallah wrote:

> Hi all:
> I am a noob searching for an example of how to demarshall a set of
> simple and complex XML nodes into an object using Pastell or something
> similar. I have found many examples of how to pick out all of the
> elements of a certain type into a collection, but I'm trying to grab
> the data from a mixed collection of (~20) elements that are children
> of a particular element type and unpack them into an object.
> Does anyone know of some good examples of how to do this using Pastell
> or something similar?
Can you give more detailled information about how the XML maps onto the data model? I mean if you have childr elements will that map to objects that are referenced similar? Do attributes map to variables and such? Or do you want to freely define how the structure of the XML resembles into your objects?


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