Zinc HTTP Components, P3, MQTT and NeoUniversalBinaryJSON now require Pharo 7.0.5 as minimum version

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Zinc HTTP Components, P3, MQTT and NeoUniversalBinaryJSON now require Pharo 7.0.5 as minimum version

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

Here is a little heads up: in order to support Pharo 9, I made a change in a couple of my libraries/frameworks (using Integer #byteAt: instead of #digitAt:) that requires Pharo 7.0.5 (released recently) as minimum version.


If you are unable or unwilling to upgrade, you can patch this by adding the follow alias to Pharo versions < 7.0.5:

Integer>>#byteAt: index
  ^ self digitAt: index


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Re: Zinc HTTP Components, P3, MQTT and NeoUniversalBinaryJSON now require Pharo 7.0.5 as minimum version

Stéphane Ducasse
Thanks Sven.

On 1 Jul 2020, at 13:58, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:


Here is a little heads up: in order to support Pharo 9, I made a change in a couple of my libraries/frameworks (using Integer #byteAt: instead of #digitAt:) that requires Pharo 7.0.5 (released recently) as minimum version.


If you are unable or unwilling to upgrade, you can patch this by adding the follow alias to Pharo versions < 7.0.5:

Integer>>#byteAt: index
 ^ self digitAt: index


Stéphane Ducasse
03 59 35 87 52
Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
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40, avenue Halley, 
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
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