Zinc-SSO OAuth2 Google offline access

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Zinc-SSO OAuth2 Google offline access

Yanni Chiu
After some struggle to understand OAuth2 and Google Calendar API, I
managed to insert a calendar entry.

Now, I want to be able to manipulate the calendar, without the user
being logged on, in their browser - which is "offline" access according
to the Google docs [1] (I'm not sure whether this is an OAuth2 feature,
or a Google API feature).

I noticed that the ZnGoogleOAuth2Session is coded for "online" access.
Should I start coding a ZnGoogleOAuth2OfflineSession - is this the right
approach? What's the best way to contribute the code - just make changes
in Zinc-SSO-OAuth2-Core package, for later merging?

[1] https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2WebServer

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Re: Zinc-SSO OAuth2 Google offline access

Jan van de Sandt
Hello Yanni,

Good to hear that you have OAuth access to Google Calendar working. Currently the access_type parameter is hardcoded to "online" in ZnGoogleOAuth2Session. Instead of making a separate class for offline access I think it's a better idea to change the current class so you can configure it for either online or offline access.

If you want you can make the changes to the Zinc-SSO-OAuth2-Core package. You can mail them to Sven or me and we will integrate them.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Yanni Chiu <[hidden email]> wrote:
After some struggle to understand OAuth2 and Google Calendar API, I managed to insert a calendar entry.

Now, I want to be able to manipulate the calendar, without the user being logged on, in their browser - which is "offline" access according to the Google docs [1] (I'm not sure whether this is an OAuth2 feature, or a Google API feature).

I noticed that the ZnGoogleOAuth2Session is coded for "online" access. Should I start coding a ZnGoogleOAuth2OfflineSession - is this the right approach? What's the best way to contribute the code - just make changes in Zinc-SSO-OAuth2-Core package, for later merging?

[1] https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2WebServer

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Re: Zinc-SSO OAuth2 Google offline access

Yanni Chiu

On 31/01/13 2:55 PM, Jan van de Sandt wrote:
> ... Instead of making a separate class for offline
> access I think it's a better idea to change the current class so you can
> configure it for either online or offline access.

Okay, I take that approach.