Zinc question

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Zinc question

Sean P. DeNigris
The following fails intermittently with "ZnIncomplete: Incomplete input for
character decoding":
    ZnClient new
        url: 'https://cpanel.webserver:1234/' asUrl;
        path: '/login/';
        queryAt: 'login_only' put: '1';
        formAt: 'user' put: 'username';
        formAt: 'pass' put: 'pa$$w0rd';

AFAICT, the expected output has already been completely received and
correctly interpreted, but then for some reason, the following happens:
1. `stream atEnd` does not return true
2. `#nextCodePointFromStream:` does `stream next` and gets `nil`, which
leads to the error being signaled.

Any ideas, explanations, (or especially) workarounds?

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Re: Zinc question

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
Hi Sean,

> On 3 Jul 2020, at 19:34, Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]> wrote:
> The following fails intermittently with "ZnIncomplete: Incomplete input for
> character decoding":
>    ZnClient new
> url: 'https://cpanel.webserver:1234/' asUrl;
> path: '/login/';
> queryAt: 'login_only' put: '1';
> formAt: 'user' put: 'username';
> formAt: 'pass' put: 'pa$$w0rd';
> post.
> AFAICT, the expected output has already been completely received and
> correctly interpreted, but then for some reason, the following happens:
> 1. `stream atEnd` does not return true
> 2. `#nextCodePointFromStream:` does `stream next` and gets `nil`, which
> leads to the error being signaled.
> Any ideas, explanations, (or especially) workarounds?

Yes, there is (has been for years) an annoying issue that sometimes pops up, but rarely and always in a non-repeatable way.

Here is a long issue thread that ends with a reproducible case


but I still have to take some time to try to solve it. I am afraid to break other stuff.


> -----
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html