kmo wrote:
> I was trying to Soup on Windows 7 and found I could not access https sites
> On windows 7 and 10 the following code fails:
> ZnEasy get:''.
> This works fine in Pharo 5 on Windows. Also works fine with Pharo 6.1 (32
> bit) on Linux.
> The problem is Pharo 6.1 on Windows.
> The error is:
> "SSL/TLS plugin initialization failed (VM plugin missing ? OS libraries
> missing ?)"
I had it as well. The reason seems to be really strange, but the root
cause was the zip wasn't unzipped correctly, probably due to Windows
Defender hijacking it, and SqueakSSL.dll was missing.
Check thouroughly if you actually have all files present in .zip
actually unzipped in pharo folder.