Zodiac/SqueakSSL plugin on OSX with Pharo 2.0 error

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Zodiac/SqueakSSL plugin on OSX with Pharo 2.0 error


I'm getting this plugin error when trying to use this command to run a SSL webserver on OSX with Pharo 2.0/Zodiac/SqueakSSL plugin:

Error: SSL Exception: accept failed [code: -5]

being called here:

"Do the SSL server handshake."
| count result |
self resetEncryptedBuffers.
count := 0.
connecting := true.
[ self sslSession isConnected ] whileFalse: [
count := self readEncryptedBytes: in startingAt: 1 count: in size.
result := self sslSession accept: in from: 1 to: count into: out.
result < -1 ifTrue: [ 
^ self sslException: 'accept failed' code: result ].
result > 0 ifTrue: [ 
self flushEncryptedBytes: out startingAt: 1 count: result ] ].
connecting := false

Looking at the SqueakSSL plugin source code: -5 indicates a generic SSL exception/error, any ideas what this could be ? My self-signed certificate works fine when run using openssl ( openssl s_server -accept 8443 -cert server.pem -WWW ).
