Zoom rectangle code

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Zoom rectangle code

Christoph J. Bachinger

I,m searching for code to bring up a zoom rectangle in a double buffered
view. Something like click into a view hold the mouse button and drag to
another point showing the rectangle from start point to mouse position.

I could do it via MouseTracker but if there is a free code snippet, I
haven't to rediscover the wheel.


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Re: Zoom rectangle code

Christoph J. Bachinger
Christoph J. Bachinger schrieb:

> Hi,
> I,m searching for code to bring up a zoom rectangle in a double buffered
> view. Something like click into a view hold the mouse button and drag to
> another point showing the rectangle from start point to mouse position.
> I could do it via MouseTracker but if there is a free code snippet, I
> haven't to rediscover the wheel.
> Thanks
> cjb

I reinvented the wheel. If anybody is interested give me a mail.
