Excellent :)
I was sure you didn't forget anything, but I was curious about why you didn't need a clean.
Thanks Alain for the explanation.
On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 11:12 PM, Alain Plantec
<[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi alain. In #cleanUpForRelease of Pharo 1.1 we did at some point a Smalltalk cleanUpUndoCommands.
Now in pharo 1.2 this is removed. I guess it is because of the new undo framework?
no, this because CommandHistory is deprecated an not used anymore. Before, a global history was used to store commands for morphic (in worldstate maybe, I'm not sure).
in such case, there insn't anything to be cleaned ?
editor undo commands are stored locally. So, when you close an editor, no command remain.