about integration ST in application

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about integration ST in application

Here -   news:43aa692e$[hidden email]...

I would be appreciated for any opinions and advices about that.
Thank you.


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Re: about integration ST in application

Hmm... link doesn't work, I copy post below ....

>"Chris Uppal" wrote:
> I may be misunderstanding you, but it sounds as if you want the existing
> application to "drive" Smalltalk, so that it is manipulating Smalltalk
> rather than being just a library of code which is called by the main
> (Smalltalk) program.
> That's not very clear

OK, I'll try explain more.
Consist of typical our application :
1. System framework (constantly part any of our application)
1.1 US (user service),  now deploying as .exe .
-  many GUI controls: ( DataGrid - developing since 2000... has many
features )
-  advanced form designer (like Delphi), can change form design in run-time,
also has many features: ObjectInspector, Component Palite, Special Property
Form object - COM-aware, i.e. - has COM-aware object model, can be
manipulated by external code by IDispatch.
Exteranl code attached to form as "event handlers" and called by IDispatch

1.2 BS (business service), now deploying as ActiveX .dll.
- BS developed as ActiveX library.
- base BS-object realization has many features.
- base BS-object realization also calls attached external code as "event
handlers" and called by IDispatch.

2. Application code
It's "event hadlers" for forms and BusinesObject-s. Now we use VBA for it.
It's part HUGE (complex business logic).
It's part completely determine behaviour of application.
We have big troubles with debug and control this, becouse VBA can't allow
change classes if their have alive instances. VBA - very poor OOP.

Also some our customers want use IDE for tuning same aspects of business
logic for self. Now their use VBA, but their can buy separately license for,
example for Dolphin ( fortunately it's not too expensive ) . But all it - If
we made ST available for writen application logic.

What I Want:
I want little by little replace using VBA as application code for "event
handlers" by ST code.
But I can't invent way HOW use ST ( and which realization ST , I'd like
Dolphin ... ) for it :(
In future, may be little by little migrate system parts in ST also.

I thinking about next techical problems :
How with minimum overhead system-part can call methods on ST "event
Dolphin can build in-proc ActiveX, but their located in separate thread -
It's mean essential overhead for "marshaling" ( I'm rigth?).
Is any other way exists?

Since our US-part is .exe - how we can embed ST-part?
at worst we can redeploy US as dll, but it's take much time and new
problems - How better integrate new US-part in new .exe part?
