I decided to learn something new this evening so I started to read and write tests about URI
Now I have a question
"self debug: #testRelativeAuthority"
| uri relativeURIString |
"A relative URI with authority. relative uri does not start with a scheme:."
relativeURIString := '//www.pharo-project.org'.
uri := URI fromString: relativeURIString.
>>> self assert: (uri asString = relativeURIString).
Is false because
uri asString = 'www.pharo-project.org' and not '//www.pharo-project.org'
self deny: (uri isAbsolute).
self assert: (uri isRelative).
self assert: (uri authority asString = 'www.pharo-project.org').
self deny: (uri isOpaque).
So does anybody know what is correct?
"self debug: #testRelativeEmptyAuthority"
| uri uriString |
uriString := '//'. "A relative URI with empty (but defined) authority."
uri := URI fromString: uriString.
self assert: (uri asString = uriString).
'' versus '//'
self deny: (uri isAbsolute).
self deny: (uri authority isNil).
self deny: (uri isOpaque).
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