about value:

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about value:

Stéphane Ducasse

I integrated your value, value: cleans and I get such kind of error now.
stackp = 2 and not zero.
I'm puzzled. because I thought that the other code was not executed since it was covered by a primitive
that would do the right job.

pushArgs: args "<Array>" from: sendr "<ContextPart>"
        "Helps simulate action of the value primitive for closures.
         This is used by ContextPart>>runSimulated:contextAtEachStep:"

        stackp ~= 0 ifTrue:
                [self error: 'stack pointer should be zero!'].
        closureOrNil ifNil:
                [self error: 'context needs a closure!'].
        args do: [:arg| self push: arg].
        1 to: closureOrNil numCopiedValues do:
                self push: (closureOrNil copiedValueAt: i)].
        sender := sendr
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Re: about value:

Stéphane Ducasse
Henrik apparently this is coming from this change but from

- Issue 2617: Fix restart in blocks in debugger. Thanks Henrik Johanssen.

I should have run the tests.... since this was introduced in 12075 (lazy me).


On Aug 3, 2010, at 7:00 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> Henrik
> I integrated your value, value: cleans and I get such kind of error now.
> stackp = 2 and not zero.
> I'm puzzled. because I thought that the other code was not executed since it was covered by a primitive
> that would do the right job.
> pushArgs: args "<Array>" from: sendr "<ContextPart>"
> "Helps simulate action of the value primitive for closures.
> This is used by ContextPart>>runSimulated:contextAtEachStep:"
> stackp ~= 0 ifTrue:
> [self error: 'stack pointer should be zero!'].
> closureOrNil ifNil:
> [self error: 'context needs a closure!'].
> args do: [:arg| self push: arg].
> 1 to: closureOrNil numCopiedValues do:
> [:i|
> self push: (closureOrNil copiedValueAt: i)].
> sender := sendr
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Re: about value:

Stéphane Ducasse
I found the problem.... some changes where missing from eliot. There were in the pending list.
and will be integrated in the next batch.
On Aug 3, 2010, at 7:13 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> Henrik apparently this is coming from this change but from
> - Issue 2617: Fix restart in blocks in debugger. Thanks Henrik Johanssen.
> I should have run the tests.... since this was introduced in 12075 (lazy me).
> Stef
> On Aug 3, 2010, at 7:00 PM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>> Henrik
>> I integrated your value, value: cleans and I get such kind of error now.
>> stackp = 2 and not zero.
>> I'm puzzled. because I thought that the other code was not executed since it was covered by a primitive
>> that would do the right job.
>> pushArgs: args "<Array>" from: sendr "<ContextPart>"
>> "Helps simulate action of the value primitive for closures.
>> This is used by ContextPart>>runSimulated:contextAtEachStep:"
>> stackp ~= 0 ifTrue:
>> [self error: 'stack pointer should be zero!'].
>> closureOrNil ifNil:
>> [self error: 'context needs a closure!'].
>> args do: [:arg| self push: arg].
>> 1 to: closureOrNil numCopiedValues do:
>> [:i|
>> self push: (closureOrNil copiedValueAt: i)].
>> sender := sendr
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