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Joel Turnbull

addCondition:labelled does not seem to be working the way I expected.

I just want to validate that a given text field is not empty

I have a description definition method and setter:

^MAStringDescription new
    selectorAccessor: #tagsConverter;
    label: 'Tags';
    priority: 40;
    addCondition: [:value | value notEmpty ]
        labelled: 'Please provide at least one tag';

tagsConverter: aString
    tags := aString asUppercase subStrings asSet

On submit, I get an error that nil does not understand asUppercase. Shouldn't the condition fail before the setter is called? I've tried [ :value | value notNil ], and beRequired as well, got the same error. I also tried to change the initialize method of the object I'm describing to set tags to an empty collection but that didn't work either.


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: addCondition:labelled:

Lukas Renggli
> I just want to validate that a given text field is not empty

Normally sending #beRequired to the description should be enough. At
least with my Seaside forms this works well and there is no need to
add an additional check for #isEmpty.

> On submit, I get an error that nil does not understand asUppercase.
> Shouldn't the condition fail before the setter is called?

#beRequired ensures that a nil or empty value is not committed.
Additional conditions will not be evaluated (there are various
examples of this in Pier, for example).


Lukas Renggli
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...