adding html comment

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adding html comment

Guys, How to add html comment with amber.

I need output like that:


    <li><strong>Here is a static header item</strong></li>
        <em data-bind="text: name"></em>
            — made by

Could you fix this piece of code:
    | html |
    '#dyn_content' asJQuery empty.
    html := HTMLCanvas onJQuery: '#dyn_content' asJQuery.
    html h3 append: 'Products'.
    html ul append: (html li append: (html strong append: 'Here is a static header item'))
    ; append: ''
    ; append: (html li
        append: (html em at: 'data-bind' put: 'text: name')
            ;append: ''
            ;append: ' — made by '
        ;append: (html span at: 'data-bind' put: 'text:')
    ;append: ''
    ; append: ''

Clearly what meant to be as comment renders on the page, instead of being html comment.
I can of course load it with Ajax call. Still I am interested how to do that this way.
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Re: adding html comment

The html comment between < ! -- this is the comments -- > was removed from the message.
I should have encoded it. Anyway I hope you got what I meant.