adding packingsymbols to the stripper

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adding packingsymbols to the stripper

Ernest Micklei-2
Because some of my methods are only sent by using reflection (perform:,
the stripper exclude their implementation. Is there a way to tell the
stripper to include those methods?


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Re: adding packingsymbols to the stripper

Ian Bartholomew-4

> Because some of my methods are only sent by using reflection (perform:,
> perform:with:),
> the stripper exclude their implementation. Is there a way to tell the
> stripper to include those methods?

There is a page in the education centre that describes some ways of doing
this - look under "Developers Guide/Deploying Applications/What to do when
things go wrong" (in D4 at least)

Briefly: For individual methods the easiest way is to add each one to the
"must not strip" method category which tells the stripper to leave it alone.


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Re: adding packingsymbols to the stripper

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Ernest Micklei-2
"Ernest Micklei" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:9hucm4$crhf$[hidden email]...
> Because some of my methods are only sent by using reflection (perform:,
> perform:with:),
> the stripper exclude their implementation. Is there a way to tell the
> stripper to include those methods?

The image stripper (at least in D4) will preserve methods that one
#perform:'s, as long as the symbols appear as literals in at least one
method that is not itself stripped. Basically if the development environment
is able to find these references when you do a Method/References search,
then the image stripper should too.

If you are constructing symbols to perform (something to be avoided IMHO)
then you will need to make use of the 'must not strip' category as Ian
suggests, or alternatively create your own ImageStripper subclass and
override (for example) #requiredMethodCategories.



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RE: adding packingsymbols to the stripper


    we got that situation too and we made a subclass to the stripper for
each application as Blair says, and we teach to this class to put all the
methods, on our list of preferred packages, in the non strip category.

    If you want I give you some code.



[hidden email]
[hidden email]

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Re: adding packingsymbols to the stripper

Ted Bracht-2
In reply to this post by Blair McGlashan
Hi Blair,

"Blair McGlashan" <[hidden email]> wrote in message news:<9hvpf4$g6799$[hidden email]>...

> "Ernest Micklei" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:9hucm4$crhf$[hidden email]...
> > Because some of my methods are only sent by using reflection (perform:,
> > perform:with:),
> > the stripper exclude their implementation. Is there a way to tell the
> > stripper to include those methods?
> The image stripper (at least in D4) will preserve methods that one
> #perform:'s, as long as the symbols appear as literals in at least one
> method that is not itself stripped. Basically if the development environment
> is able to find these references when you do a Method/References search,
> then the image stripper should too.

Talking about the stripper, I noticed that if a method is referenced
in a menu only, then it is stripped as well.
Maybe these can be 'spotted' by the stripper as well?



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Re: adding packingsymbols to the stripper

Blair McGlashan

You wrote in message news:[hidden email]...
> Talking about the stripper, I noticed that if a method is referenced
> in a menu only, then it is stripped as well.
> Maybe these can be 'spotted' by the stripper as well?

Which version are we talking about here? In D4.01(perhaps even D4, I can't
really remember) the "Lagoon" image stripper searches view resources, and so
should find any menu commands. In older versions the 'commands' method
category was preserved to work around this problem.

