afferentCoupling and MSEproperty

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afferentCoupling and MSEproperty

Stéphane Ducasse

so using MSEProperties how does the system links AFFC to this method?

        "Afferent coupling for a class group is the number of classes that depend upon this class group"
        <property: #AFFC longName: 'Afferent Coupling' description: 'Afferent Coupling of a class group'>
        | cgClasses cgTypes |
        cgClasses := self allClasses select: [:c | c isInstanceSide].
        cgTypes := cgClasses flatCollect: [:c | c allRecursiveTypes].
        ^ (cgClasses flatCollect: [:aClass | aClass invokingClasses select: [: c | (cgClasses contains: [:each | each = c]) not and: [(cgTypes contains: [:each | each = c]) not and: [c isInstanceSide]]]]) asSet size
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