"an invalid X"

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"an invalid X"

Jan Theodore Galkowski-3
Can someone point me to a write-up on the Wiki or in the documentation
which explains the circumstances in which the debugger after a pop-up
might say that "self" for an instance of a class X, in this case
itself a subclass of Object, is an "invalid X"?  Failing that, how
about a quick list here?

Thanks much.

I love R4, Object-Arts!



 Jan Theodore Galkowski        ºoº            [hidden email]
 algebraist.com/   wikiweb.com/    atlasti.de/      [hidden email]
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             "Smalltalk?  Yes, it's really that slick."
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Re: "an invalid X"

Blair McGlashan

"Jan Theodore Galkowski" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Can someone point me to a write-up on the Wiki or in the documentation
> which explains the circumstances in which the debugger after a pop-up
> might say that "self" for an instance of a class X, in this case
> itself a subclass of Object, is an "invalid X"?  Failing that, how
> about a quick list here?

It means that an exception occurred when the debugger attempted to get the
printString* of the object. To find out why debug through "self printString"
(evaluate with Debug-It from the context menu within one of the Debuggers
own workspace windows).

* Actually the Debugger uses #debugPrintString, but this is implemented in
terms of #printString by default, except in the case of ProtoObject which is
intended for implementing forwarding proxies, and which therefore forwards
#printString itself.



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Re: "an invalid X"

Jan Theodore Galkowski
Blair McGlashan wrote:


> "Jan Theodore Galkowski" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:[hidden email]...
> > Can someone point me to a write-up on the Wiki or in the documentation
> > which explains the circumstances in which the debugger after a pop-up
> > might say that "self" for an instance of a class X, in this case
> > itself a subclass of Object, is an "invalid X"?  Failing that, how
> > about a quick list here?
> It means that an exception occurred when the debugger attempted to get the
> printString* of the object.


Blair, Thanks.  That makes sense in the context where it occurs.  --Jan

 Jan Theodore Galkowski        ºoº            [hidden email]
 algebraist.com/   wikiweb.com/     atlasti.de/     [hidden email]
             "Smalltalk?  Yes, it's really that slick."
 Want to know more?  Check out whysmalltalk.com/, object-arts.com/