compare the bytecode of this code |outerContext local1 remote1 | outerContext := thisContext. local1 := 1. remote1 := 3. (1 to:1 ) do:[:index| | rlocal2 rlocal3 | rlocal2 := index. remote1:= rlocal2 / 3. rlocal3 := remote1. rlocal3 := outerContext]. local1 := remote1. thisContext method inspect.
between pharo 50496 and pharo 50497 there is a minor difference for the numbering of temps for copying to the closure block and accessing indirect tempvar vector. I could not find the code change that may be responsible for this change. But maybe this is the reason why this test fails: 17702 failting test: OCClosureCompilerTest>>#testDebuggerTempAccess nicolai