This directory contains a pre-built Pharo Virtual Machine (VM). So it should not be necessary to build your own VM in order to use this software. Here are several ways to get started in Pharo on your GNU/Linux or BSD machine: Running from your file manager ------------------------------ You have to associate the extension .image with the squeak executable. The detailed process depends on which file manager you use. Here are global indications: 1) Run your file manager. 2) Navigate to the directory where your pharo image is located. 3) Right-click on the .image file to open a menu. 4) Select "Open with other application..." from the menu or something similar 5) Type in squeak with the full pathname (for example: "/usr/local/bin/squeak") or select "Browse" 6) Validate From this point on, you can run your image by clicking on it. Running through the command line -------------------------------- $ cd directory/with/the/image $ /path/to/squeak image_filename.image You can also add the squeak executable to your path: $ cd /usr/local/bin $ sudo ln -sf /path/to/squeak and then $ cd directory/with/the/image $ squeak image_filename.image