Copyright 2008 by David A. Faught, all rights reserved. (Setting: U.S.A. Old West fork in a road, old-looking stripey wooden ball half buried in the dirt.) Indian scout: Many people walked around here. Played game with many balls. Then Web Feet go that way. Blue Salts go other way. This ball left behind. Sheriff: I wonder what happened. That way is California. Maybe the Web Feet went to join the gold rush. And once they left, the Blue Salts took their ball and went home, back east. Why did they leave this ball behind? Chinese worker: Two reasons. Yin and Yang. White and black. Young and old. Sheriff: Yes, yes, we get it. What are the reasons? Chinese worker: Either remaining ball has no value, or it is most valuable of all. Sheriff: I see, so if it's valuable, neither group wanted the other to control it. Indian scout: Over here! I see Blue Salts come back, then leave again. Sheriff: So the Blue Salts have checked up on the ball left behind. But why would they leave it here in the open. This fork must be the most heavily travelled part of the road. (to Indian scout) Why don't you try to pick up the ball left behind? Indian scout: No, not me! Sheriff: (to Chinese worker) How about you? Try to pick up the ball. Chinese worker: No, not me too! Sheriff: Okay then. I'll just snatch it up here ... Will you look at that! The ball is still half-buried in the ground, but I have an exact copy of it in my hand! Amazing! Indian Scout and Chinese Worker: I want one too! (both rush forward and get their own copy) (floating invisibly above) 28th century scientist: So, they found the first replicating game ball. I wonder how they will explain it and what they will do with it. They don't see the power bands of the ball diminishing as the Web Feet and Blue Salts get farther away. Further study is required. I will need to extend my visit. I'll get my own copy of the ball after they leave. Strictly for research purposes ...