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Kamil Tomsik

I've heard that become: is considered to be magic
and should be avoided and replaced by either AOP or proxies,

I googled a little but I couldn't find anything more concrete.

Does anybody have any link or opinion about that?
I'd be glad to hear something more about it.


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Re: become:

Mariano Martinez Peck

2011/5/2 [hidden email] <[hidden email]>

I've heard that become: is considered to be magic
and should be avoided and replaced by either AOP or proxies,

That's "normally" true. But it depends what are you doing. For a normal app, busieness, etc, it is not likely you will need a #become:.
However, if you are doing low level stuff, frameworks or hacky things you may need it.

Can you tell us what are your needs and why you would like to use #become:?  or you just want to know about it?
I googled a little but I couldn't find anything more concrete.

Does anybody have any link or opinion about that?
I'd be glad to hear something more about it.


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Re: become:

Markus Fritsche-3
In reply to this post by Kamil Tomsik

become replaces all pointers to the object to point to some other
object. That means that for instance code running in background, that
was working with object a will be working with object b the next
moment. This can cause all kind of things to break...

If somebody debugs your code and doesn't know of the become, he reads
the code and cannot see why method "a1" returns object "a" and later,
when he debugs method b1, the object is "b". Additionally, pointers in
methods pointing to a can cause the VM to crash if a was an integral

Proxies catch the "doesNotUnderstand" exception and do a dynamic
lookup using a mechanism that is not the normal method call. This can
be hard to debug to - but it has less chance of a VM crash.

Regards, Markus

2011/5/2 [hidden email] <[hidden email]>:

> I've heard that become: is considered to be magic
> and should be avoided and replaced by either AOP or proxies,
> I googled a little but I couldn't find anything more concrete.
> Does anybody have any link or opinion about that?
> I'd be glad to hear something more about it.
> Thx
> --
> Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:

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Re: become:

Kamil Tomsik
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
I see that #become: is hard to follow in code (either for human or  
analysis tools)

I'm trying to express state-pattern:


And I would like to avoid this:
        state close.
        state open.

Because if Door cannot be opened depending on its current state, IMHO no  
method should be
there. Which is why become: seems as the best fit.

I would also like to know why proxy is considered better, because  
seems pretty magic too. (except the fact that become: can crash VM)

Dne Mon, 02 May 2011 14:39:40 +0200 Mariano Martinez Peck  
<[hidden email]> napsal(a):

> 2011/5/2 [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
>> I've heard that become: is considered to be magic
>> and should be avoided and replaced by either AOP or proxies,
> That's "normally" true. But it depends what are you doing. For a normal  
> app,
> busieness, etc, it is not likely you will need a #become:.
> However, if you are doing low level stuff, frameworks or hacky things you
> may need it.
> Can you tell us what are your needs and why you would like to use  
> #become:?
> or you just want to know about it?
>> I googled a little but I couldn't find anything more concrete.
>> Does anybody have any link or opinion about that?
>> I'd be glad to hear something more about it.
>> Thx
>> --
>> Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:

Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:

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Re: become:

Stéphane Ducasse
Do not use become: for state pattern. It is not worth.


On May 2, 2011, at 3:11 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

> I see that #become: is hard to follow in code (either for human or analysis tools)
> I'm trying to express state-pattern:
> OpenedDoor>>close
> ClosedDoor>>open
> And I would like to avoid this:
> Door>>close
> state close.
> Door>>open
> state open.
> Because if Door cannot be opened depending on its current state, IMHO no method should be
> there. Which is why become: seems as the best fit.
> I would also like to know why proxy is considered better, because #messageNotUnderstood
> seems pretty magic too. (except the fact that become: can crash VM)
> Dne Mon, 02 May 2011 14:39:40 +0200 Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> napsal(a):
>> 2011/5/2 [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
>>> I've heard that become: is considered to be magic
>>> and should be avoided and replaced by either AOP or proxies,
>> That's "normally" true. But it depends what are you doing. For a normal app,
>> busieness, etc, it is not likely you will need a #become:.
>> However, if you are doing low level stuff, frameworks or hacky things you
>> may need it.
>> Can you tell us what are your needs and why you would like to use #become:?
>> or you just want to know about it?
>>> I googled a little but I couldn't find anything more concrete.
>>> Does anybody have any link or opinion about that?
>>> I'd be glad to hear something more about it.
>>> Thx
>>> --
>>> Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:
> --
> Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:

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Re: become:

Kamil Tomsik
In reply to this post by Mariano Martinez Peck
Also I would like to know your opinion about #become: inside of  
(in order to grow them), while I consider this elegant, creating array  
copy with different size
and assigning it would be IMHO less magic.

Dne Mon, 02 May 2011 14:39:40 +0200 Mariano Martinez Peck  
<[hidden email]> napsal(a):

> 2011/5/2 [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
>> I've heard that become: is considered to be magic
>> and should be avoided and replaced by either AOP or proxies,
> That's "normally" true. But it depends what are you doing. For a normal  
> app,
> busieness, etc, it is not likely you will need a #become:.
> However, if you are doing low level stuff, frameworks or hacky things you
> may need it.
> Can you tell us what are your needs and why you would like to use  
> #become:?
> or you just want to know about it?
>> I googled a little but I couldn't find anything more concrete.
>> Does anybody have any link or opinion about that?
>> I'd be glad to hear something more about it.
>> Thx
>> --
>> Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:

Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:

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Re: become:

Henrik Sperre Johansen wrote
Also I would like to know your opinion about #become: inside of  
(in order to grow them), while I consider this elegant, creating array  
copy with different size
and assigning it would be IMHO less magic.
Squeak/Pharo does not use become: to grow collections, but hte second approach you mentioned.
Not particularily because become: is too much magic, but because become: is a slow operation in the VM they run on.

The place this makes a differences functionally, is with streams.
Consider the differences to code written:

string := String new: 5.
writeStream := string writeStream.
writeStream nextPutAll: 'aaaaaaaa'

In dialects using become,
string will most likely be 'aaaaaaaa  ' (two 0 characters at end)

In dialects not using become,
string will most likely be 'aaaaa', and the internal collection of the writeStream a different object entirely.

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Re: become:

In reply to this post by Kamil Tomsik
On 05/02/2011 09:11 AM, [hidden email] wrote:

> I see that #become: is hard to follow in code (either for human or
> analysis tools)
> I'm trying to express state-pattern:
> OpenedDoor>>close
> ClosedDoor>>open
> And I would like to avoid this:
> Door>>close
>     state close.
> Door>>open
>     state open.
> Because if Door cannot be opened depending on its current state, IMHO
> no method should be
> there. Which is why become: seems as the best fit.

You can simply have the #open method do nothing in certain states, or
throw an exception.  No need for messageNotUnderstood.  You absoluletly
do not want to use become: for such an example.  All in all, I'm not
sure how I feel about creating a new first class object to represent
each of a door's states.

The last time I recall using #become: was for low level and carefully
protected behavior needed by an ORB.  become should come with a special
form which needs to go through three levels of sign off before you
should be allowed to use it in your code.


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Re: become:

Kamil Tomsik
In reply to this post by Stéphane Ducasse
Thx, can you be more specific? I'm looking for reasons.

Door>>open, close (delegating to state)

delegation, empty methods, throwing exceptions, that all seems just ugly,
I don't want anybody looking in methods browser
to think that every door can be closed or opened,
because that's not right.

maybe I don't want object to become another object, maybe I just want to
change its class? (is it possible?)

I want empty Door class (or implementing only things possible with any  
and subclasses representing their states.

Dne Mon, 02 May 2011 14:19:31 +0200 Stéphane Ducasse  
<[hidden email]> napsal(a):

> Do not use become: for state pattern. It is not worth.
> Stef
> On May 2, 2011, at 3:11 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
>> I see that #become: is hard to follow in code (either for human or  
>> analysis tools)
>> I'm trying to express state-pattern:
>> OpenedDoor>>close
>> ClosedDoor>>open
>> And I would like to avoid this:
>> Door>>close
>> state close.
>> Door>>open
>> state open.
>> Because if Door cannot be opened depending on its current state, IMHO  
>> no method should be
>> there. Which is why become: seems as the best fit.
>> I would also like to know why proxy is considered better, because  
>> #messageNotUnderstood
>> seems pretty magic too. (except the fact that become: can crash VM)
>> Dne Mon, 02 May 2011 14:39:40 +0200 Mariano Martinez Peck  
>> <[hidden email]> napsal(a):
>>> 2011/5/2 [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
>>>> I've heard that become: is considered to be magic
>>>> and should be avoided and replaced by either AOP or proxies,
>>> That's "normally" true. But it depends what are you doing. For a  
>>> normal app,
>>> busieness, etc, it is not likely you will need a #become:.
>>> However, if you are doing low level stuff, frameworks or hacky things  
>>> you
>>> may need it.
>>> Can you tell us what are your needs and why you would like to use  
>>> #become:?
>>> or you just want to know about it?
>>>> I googled a little but I couldn't find anything more concrete.
>>>> Does anybody have any link or opinion about that?
>>>> I'd be glad to hear something more about it.
>>>> Thx
>>>> --
>>>> Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:
>> --
>> Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:  

Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:

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Re: become:

On 05/02/2011 09:36 AM, [hidden email] wrote:

> Thx, can you be more specific? I'm looking for reasons.
> Door>>open, close (delegating to state)
> OpenedDoorState>>close
> ClosedDoorState>>open
> delegation, empty methods, throwing exceptions, that all seems just ugly,
> I don't want anybody looking in methods browser
> to think that every door can be closed or opened,
> because that's not right.

I don't know about "right", but I know its exactly how I would expect
the code to read.  I would expect the open method to be overridden or
check state and behave accordingly.  If a door cannot be opened, it is
just fine if an open method exists..

Think of it this way:  My dog can't speak.  She can bark, but doesn't do
it on command.  If I ask a person "What is your name?"  I expect an
answer.  Although the person may choose not to answer or may not be
capable of doing so.  That does not mean, that myself, as the sender of
the message #speak, would not send the message.  Its up to the receiver
to behave as the receiver will.  Forget about the expectation of the
sender and focus on the behavior of the receiver.  Smalltalk is an
exploratory environment.   Also don't be so focused on classes, but on


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Re: become:

Mariano Martinez Peck
In reply to this post by Kamil Tomsik

2011/5/2 [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
Thx, can you be more specific? I'm looking for reasons.

Door>>open, close (delegating to state)

delegation, empty methods, throwing exceptions, that all seems just ugly,
I don't want anybody looking in methods browser
to think that every door can be closed or opened,
because that's not right.

maybe I don't want object to become another object, maybe I just want to
change its class? (is it possible?)

Yes, you can. #check adoptInstance: or #primitiveChangeClassTo:
But again, I am not sure you need this for your example.

Did you consider traits?

Even so, I  don't think that implementing empty methods or throwing errors is that bad. In fact, it looks good for me.
I want empty Door class (or implementing only things possible with any door)
and subclasses representing their states.

Dne Mon, 02 May 2011 14:19:31 +0200 Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> napsal(a):

Do not use become: for state pattern. It is not worth.


On May 2, 2011, at 3:11 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

I see that #become: is hard to follow in code (either for human or analysis tools)

I'm trying to express state-pattern:


And I would like to avoid this:
       state close.
       state open.

Because if Door cannot be opened depending on its current state, IMHO no method should be
there. Which is why become: seems as the best fit.

I would also like to know why proxy is considered better, because #messageNotUnderstood
seems pretty magic too. (except the fact that become: can crash VM)

Dne Mon, 02 May 2011 14:39:40 +0200 Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> napsal(a):

2011/5/2 [hidden email] <[hidden email]>

I've heard that become: is considered to be magic
and should be avoided and replaced by either AOP or proxies,

That's "normally" true. But it depends what are you doing. For a normal app,
busieness, etc, it is not likely you will need a #become:.
However, if you are doing low level stuff, frameworks or hacky things you
may need it.

Can you tell us what are your needs and why you would like to use #become:?
or you just want to know about it?

I googled a little but I couldn't find anything more concrete.

Does anybody have any link or opinion about that?
I'd be glad to hear something more about it.


Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:

Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:

Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:


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Re: become:

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Kamil Tomsik
become: is slow
scan all the memory
then the methods using it is unreadable
break potential static analysis
keep real weapons for real evils
no need to use a nuclear bomb for a fly
if you can avoid it, avoid it.
and for state pattern you can and the book (smalltalk design companion says the same).


On May 2, 2011, at 3:36 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

> Thx, can you be more specific? I'm looking for reasons.
> Door>>open, close (delegating to state)
> OpenedDoorState>>close
> ClosedDoorState>>open
> delegation, empty methods, throwing exceptions, that all seems just ugly,
> I don't want anybody looking in methods browser
> to think that every door can be closed or opened,
> because that's not right.
> maybe I don't want object to become another object, maybe I just want to
> change its class? (is it possible?)
> I want empty Door class (or implementing only things possible with any door)
> and subclasses representing their states.
> Dne Mon, 02 May 2011 14:19:31 +0200 Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]> napsal(a):
>> Do not use become: for state pattern. It is not worth.
>> Stef
>> On May 2, 2011, at 3:11 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
>>> I see that #become: is hard to follow in code (either for human or analysis tools)
>>> I'm trying to express state-pattern:
>>> OpenedDoor>>close
>>> ClosedDoor>>open
>>> And I would like to avoid this:
>>> Door>>close
>>> state close.
>>> Door>>open
>>> state open.
>>> Because if Door cannot be opened depending on its current state, IMHO no method should be
>>> there. Which is why become: seems as the best fit.
>>> I would also like to know why proxy is considered better, because #messageNotUnderstood
>>> seems pretty magic too. (except the fact that become: can crash VM)
>>> Dne Mon, 02 May 2011 14:39:40 +0200 Mariano Martinez Peck <[hidden email]> napsal(a):
>>>> 2011/5/2 [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
>>>>> I've heard that become: is considered to be magic
>>>>> and should be avoided and replaced by either AOP or proxies,
>>>> That's "normally" true. But it depends what are you doing. For a normal app,
>>>> busieness, etc, it is not likely you will need a #become:.
>>>> However, if you are doing low level stuff, frameworks or hacky things you
>>>> may need it.
>>>> Can you tell us what are your needs and why you would like to use #become:?
>>>> or you just want to know about it?
>>>>> I googled a little but I couldn't find anything more concrete.
>>>>> Does anybody have any link or opinion about that?
>>>>> I'd be glad to hear something more about it.
>>>>> Thx
>>>>> --
>>>>> Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:
>>> --
>>> Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:
> --
> Tato zpráva byla vytvořena převratným poštovním klientem Opery:

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Re: become:

Ramon Leon-5
In reply to this post by Markus Fritsche-3
On 05/02/2011 05:41 AM, Markus Fritsche wrote:
> Hello,
> become replaces all pointers to the object to point to some other
> object.

Actually, that's what #becomeForward: does, #become: swaps two objects
replacing all pointers to the object to point to some other object and
vice versa, which can cause serious issues if you aren't expecting it.
#becomeForward: is quite often the behavior you'd want when you think
you need #become:.

Ramon Leon

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Re: become:

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 8:20 PM, Ramon Leon <[hidden email]> wrote:
On 05/02/2011 05:41 AM, Markus Fritsche wrote:

become replaces all pointers to the object to point to some other

Actually, that's what #becomeForward: does, #become: swaps two objects replacing all pointers to the object to point to some other object and vice versa, which can cause serious issues if you aren't expecting it. #becomeForward: is quite often the behavior you'd want when you think you need #become:.

You know, I always thoguht that #become: is a bad name. For me, #becomeForward:  should be called #become  and, #become should be called #replace: or #swaps:   or something like that, but to make clear that it is both sides :)
Ramon Leon
